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Everything posted by marg26

  1. Cheers for reply. The lock ring was loose enough to remove without the proper tool. Is it normal for a degree or two of movement before tightening it up?
  2. Sorry, lots of questions! Been using HTII cranks for years... Got a square taper Middleburn crankset with the pro trials bashguard and replaceable 22t chainring. The cranks show scars from my crap riding but otherwise fine but bb, bashring & chainring all need replacing. Just wondering what the options for replacing the Pro Trials Bashring are? It's loose on the crank. Didn't want to get too spendy if possible. Is the fitting "type-x"? And if the above, any recommended 5 bolt 22t chainrings recommended? Otherwise, are there any other bashring/chainring options to fit on the Middleburn cranks? It has a VP BB (68x127.5) at the moment, with the metal thread sleeves rather than the lighterweight plastic-like ones, can't seem to find it available now (VP 80 iirc). Will probably stick with it for now but in future, are the Shimano square taper BBs (with hollow axle) decent enough for trials (thought I remember thinking they were quite flexy before replacing them on a new bike)? Cheers
  3. On a similar theme, but with 21m views so not exactly under-rated, Grandpa Amu creates a wooden arch bridge,no nails,very powerful craftsman
  4. Just played around with a logo for 'Cant trials'. Then decided to look to see if there was already a FB group for us... There's South-East Trials Riders seems a bit dead though. Doesn't stop us creating a fresh one though. Yeah up for a meet on Sun Feb 9th, would be cool. Ramsgate is pretty good for trials I think, I don't know if it's better than Herne Bay as haven't ridden the Bay.
  5. I'm not really convinced by it. Reading Reddit, it sounds like people are expecting to close their eyes and to be able to see stuff in front of their eyes (maybe they should do acid). There's a red star test. Like most of the commentors I see nothing. But I've zero motivation to see a red star. It serves no purpose. I can't just conjure stuff up just on a whim. I read that pro downhillers visualize their lines down the run, I can't imagine doing that. There again I just got some glimpses of one of the tracks I regularly ride between fields on the way home from work. On a cool but sunny day in Spring. On a rigid mtb. Letting it move beneath me weight through my feet. Bdmpbdmpbdmp. I used to do a lot of painting and drawing, and never had a finished image in mind which I sought to reproduce. It was always something built up out of semi random intentions until something started to emerge. Probably a metaphor for life. Never saw myself anywhere in 5 years time. Can't visualize positive things. Yada yada.
  6. Wondered about a Facebook group too... Calling it the obvious Kent Trials would easily get us confused with Kent Trails. So obviously let's look at the Etymology of the name Kent: "The name Kent is believed to be of British Celtic origin and was known in Old English as Cent, Cent lond, Centrice (all pronounced with a 'hard C' as 'Kent-'). In Latin sources Kent is mentioned as Cantia, Canticum. The meaning is explained by some researchers as 'coastal district,' or 'corner-land, land on the edge' (compare Welsh cant 'bordering of a circle, tire, edge,' Breton cant 'circle')." So my vote is for Cant Trials.
  7. I didn't take the trials bike out over the Christmas period, and only went out a couple of times on the MTB (vs the usual daily rides to work & back). Wasn't until around NYE I went out on the trials bike. This time stopped myself from bring the front wheel up as high as I could while rear wheel hopping. It did feel to be an improvement, and felt better immediately after the ride, but the dull pain still sporadically comes and goes over the week that followed. I don't think it's rear hops so much as anything where I made a sudden energetic move, which sometimes is just to pull myself back into stable position on the bike. I thought to try some wrist/forearm stretches which I've used in the past: starting with hands and knees on floor, palms down, fingers spread, rotate both hands outwards until fingers point back to knees. It's a stretch I really need to be careful not to put too much stress on the wrists with, so usually start with my bum back near a more seated position. Then begin to lift my back toward horizontal which gives a good stretch all up my arms toward shoulders around even lats. Abi Carver has a series of yoga videos on her youtube channel meant to be good for mountain bikers, so going to try a few of them. Also starting to learn to swim, so hopefully a non-impact form of exercise will do my shoulders good :-)
  8. If he did go for Pace I wouldn't be upset by a lack of gravel bike videos.
  9. I've been using Faction to add spots in my area, works reasonably well most of the time, but... I made an area when I meant to make a spot, can't delete it (the worst bike park in the world ever - please delete the area). There's some spots where there's literally nothing else around, ie a pump track in the middle of nowhere. Seems pointless making an area for it and then adding a spot, and equally doesn't really qualify as an area.
  10. Looks quite challenging! On Factionapp, there's also Wellington Rocks just down the road which probably might be better for beginner riders like myself. I added a few photos of Margate spots on Factionapp over the Christmas break, and this afternoon rode home from work via Ramsgate cliffs port/harbour/seafront and took more photos of those rocks by the port (posted above previously). Wanted to get more photos today but the weather started getting wet, cold and light was poor so decided to head home instead. The photo I posted (above 21st September 2018) doesn't really do that spot justice, there's bigger stuff in that area. I'm half tempted to say Ramsgate might be the better area than Margate for trials.
  11. Just stuck a few spots in Margate that are viewable via Google Street View on the Faction App. https://faction-app.co.uk/app/locations/96/view/spots Probably should be preparing for Christmas....
  12. Ashford probably be a good shout travel wise for a group ride as fairly central, as long as someone can show us around. I don't know it, rarely go there.
  13. Sorry, family changed plans, don't think I'll be able to make the 28th now unfortunately. I had a look at Herne bay on streetview earlier, https://goo.gl/maps/VkV87cTTWe8iMtef9 https://goo.gl/maps/wb2Ubzy1mpWd24Nw9 Definitely will be up for a meet up at some point, like a less Christmassy time of year! I've done bits and pieces of more natural riding, and as long as it's not all too big then I'm fine with that, makes a change from street stuff which can get a bit samey.
  14. Yeah 28th would work for me, and have a pass for the car too. Are you based Tunbridge Wells way as per profile?
  15. Would be interested, but I've got too much last minute Christmas shopping and family stuff to do . Yes I'm Margate based. There's a fair amount of spots scattered around Margate I know of. I mainly focus on spots suitable for my beginner skills, but also plenty of aspirational spots I see - I'm unsure whether a more capable rider would find them interesting or not though.
  16. Thanks for taking a look at the video and giving feedback. Definitely agree re stiffness and lack of muscle efficiency, the amount of effort I put into small moves just doesn't scale up to the big moves. Re my body position, I think it's slowly coming along, I do reach the point from time to time where I hold balance for a second or so without hopping, but it takes an amount of focus on what I'm doing, maybe like ticking off everything on a checklist, that I'm still getting used to when riding a bike. Not so keen on the advice to hold off from the backhops for a week, but actually probably pretty sensible. Yes please to the stretching video, it is something I've felt would help.
  17. Not DOMs for instance. Maybe overuse? Sometimes minor twinges raising arms above head. I've been trying to build upper body strength on and off (mostly off) for the past few years and have found it incredibly easy to over do it (or I'm just a wuss). But the feeling recently with rear wheel hops is slightly different so wondered if bad rear hop technique is known for causing strains in the more forward facing part of upper arms/shoulders (I don't know anatomy sorry). As mentioned, it is slowly improving. Re upper body strength one of my goals was to do handstands, and a week ago I decided to do a chest-to-wall handstand (walking my feet up the wall starting in plank position) once every day to see how it goes. I've been doing a warm up (random stuff from youtube) in prep which seems to help overall, and also using it to warm up before trials bike which I think is helping - but a week probably isn't long enough to be sure. Sorry get a bit rambly with this stuff. Yes have seen that Ali C video, should definitely refresh myself with what he says. Re upright position, I recall what he says about not bringing bars to chest, but I kind of feel a bit more balanced that way on top of the bike.
  18. Been practising trials for a year and was wondering today if arm/shoulder strain could be a symptom of bad rear hop technique? I think perhaps I'm not leaning back enough with my body and using my bent arms to try to force the front wheel up as a consequence. Can be seen in this video. Does that sound right? Or is trying to learn trials on top of daily commutes on a rigid MTB just going to do that to someone well past the prime of their youth? This afternoon spent some time practising rear wheel hops off a 1ft kerb and trying to maintain the balance/position to continue with a few more hops after landing (instead of the front wheel landing shortly after rear). This forced me to lean back more than usual which while feeling a bit precarious also felt like a step in the right direction. I've been aiming to do rear hops on a low 1ft wall for a while now, went to do it toward the end of my session today but didn't have the balls/confidence yet.
  19. Just saw this, might interest some on here.
  20. Have you looked at Kenda Nevegal? Used to have a pair (still got in shed actually), pretty tough sidewalls, 900g, under £15 here https://www.bikeinn.com/bike/kenda-nevegal/137006288/p?tqw=26 x 2.35 There's also a 2.1 version but less of a bargain, stick-e, https://winstanleysbikes.co.uk/components/wheels-tyres/tyres/kenda-nevegal-stick-e-folding-tyre
  21. The link to Ali's website is broken - needs a colon after the https. And I think some of these would look great as prints/posters (ie Past the point of no return, Pulling shapes, and the video thumbnail one). Any plans for that?
  22. Great work on the video and riding both, really enjoyable!
  23. Overall thought it was OK given the theme, almost liked it except for the jarring blank frames!
  24. I'm coming up to a year of owning a trials bike, but think it's a year since I decided to actually make an effort to learn this stuff. I've got a street trials bike but wanting to try a mod/stock bike now. I can't see me doing any spinny-twirly-jumpy stuff any time soon Been making the obligatory beginner trials videos for anyone who's interested (not many ha). I've always been quite self-critical and negative so keeping frustration and comparison in check is quite important to avoid getting too negative about lack of progress. It's a trial, but it shouldn't become a chore, need to stay having fun!
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