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Everything posted by marg26

  1. Talking of controversial.... Tricks & Stunts - Honestly I've tried watching it, but I've just never managed more than 15 or 20 minutes. I'm sure it was great in it's time, and it's often touted as some sort of instructional video but it's 2020 now and I'm in my 40s and I haven't got time to sit through that low video quality and fake moustache nonsense. There are actual trials how-to's now (though not enough need more). I'd rather watch top/mainstream contemporary trials riders training sessions/vlogs any day and see what's going on now. Sorry.
  2. Looks like a lame bit of sculpture to me. Oh look a squirrel.
  3. Death spot #1 - up onto high ledge and drop off - I imagine it might be a hook, but quite narrow up there, not convinced it is doable. If it is doable it won't ever be for me. Death spot #2 - probably not that death, just needs a bit of speed and a big hop with enough momentum to keep rolling up. Manual drop off. Certainly not going to tackle it myself anytime soon. Death spot #3 - not death if you can do it, but I can't. Like to think I might be able to one day. Also bigger blocks left background.
  4. Post a picture of a spot that you want to ride but it's just too big for the skills you have. Obviously needs to be a bit more interesting than just a wall. Maybe you see it has potential but you just don't know what could be done with it if only you had the skills to hit it? Is it too death? Could somebody ride it? Just need to get some photos now...
  5. Here's links to some Youtubers who have playlists of tutorials, so should find something here! Ali C https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLyhFMUwa1zAhk1JM1Q8UALVWZLJHbUQqX Duncan Shaw https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NOVBFQ6vhpk&list=PL1hkg-vrMm4fFN9x3EndqRLssxggjiWPH Jimmy Ertzer (French) https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PL_EU7WNasz1jWJHnnn-zoy7TtjlM1Y39T Steezy Stern https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLQF1BHw3eXjTgDlNZD76EcAT4ddGNiBDI TheUselessTrials https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KHW098hG9Ig&list=PLmqC3wPkeL8mhup2EKBixPRpyZIE_z708 ADRY BIEL BIELSA (Spanish) https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLkVx1ShgiD6VimBsziMNVHJgFWSh4AHLl TrashZen (to accompany the book) https://www.youtube.com/user/TrashZenVideos/videos PAM Bikes (Spanish) https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PL8jKg98LfL5S4b_J7XPdkQtjoEX52SdFZ Re free hub, one of my bikes has a Shiman XT freehub and it's horrible for trials due to so few engagement points.
  6. They must be bolt through type fit (Not sure of correct terminology, but the fat boi type rather than skinny quick release skewer). 142 x 12
  7. Started spotting walls and ledges while watching TV too
  8. It's been two years since I got the Inspired Console and started learning trials. Seem to be progressing slower than some people, but there you go. For the most part I'm enjoying it and still want to continue. Just something that struck me last night, I seem unable to just go out for a regular bike ride any more. I got my rigid MTB used for commuting back up and running last night, and decided I'd go out for a night ride just riding along at a steady pace. No of course not, turned into an all out street ride riding stair sets, rolling up & over street obstacles, riding low skinny walls, and drops, etc. Difficulty riding in a straight line too, deliberately swerve around all over the place. Probably look like a nob having a mid life crisis LOL. Just me?
  9. These days people drop in with their first video before they've even got any skills. youth oldies People these days!
  10. I guess the other side of what I mentioned is if you do spend more on a shiny new bike you might feel more committed to sticking at trials.
  11. I don't think there's much point buying a nice new expensive trials bike to start learning trials on. You will only scratch and bash it up, either that or you'll fear scratching & bashing it up (especially if you had to stretch your finances to buy it) which will hold you back. Look for a 2nd hand bike you can easily afford and not worry too much about. See also another very recent thread on this very forum.
  12. First saw this guy with his fails video, so had to subscribe. Here's his latest.
  13. I expect trials is difficult whatever bike you choose as a beginner. I got a 2nd hand 24" Inspired. I really want to try a 20" mod. Some people seem to progress fast some progress slow. As you plan on riding in the woods a street trials bike might not be the best choice. 26" should roll easier than 20", but this is trials we're talking about. I guess that might be advantageous to a beginner, but I don't know as I have a low level of experience/skill in trials.
  14. I'd be interested to hear the pointers? It's a move I've put off learning until more confidence on rear wheel, then consequently forgotten to try. See also sidehops. I've seen the advice to keep trying things I find difficult, but... fear... If only we were as flooded with trials coaching videos on youtube spewing out regular contents as there are bodyweight/weight lifting/strength training/rehab coaching videos.
  15. Post unique content on here that hasn't already been seen on facebook. I saw it via my subscriptions on youtube. It's very good :-) Also disappointed that nobody posted Duncan Shaw's Group Ride in Dundee vlog, also really good!
  16. Slowly improving. Staying in comfort zone today but trying these small moves I've been wanting to get down. JM aged 45.
  17. After saying all that and intending just one trials ride a week I ended up going out for a half hour session for 3 days in a row. On the third day I felt the need to take it a bit easier which brought the realization riding trials doesn't need to be a fight against my body. For instance pulling hard on the bars when on the rear wheel but not having the looseness in the legs to allow the bike to move. Which I guess is similar to what you said above. Trials definitely doesn't come naturally to me.
  18. Flatmatters Online came recommended in my YT feed and saw this guy. There's a flatland virtual jam tomorrow on facebook if anyone's interested. Details here:
  19. I don't think it was something I really tried much for quite a while, nor hopping up things, I struggled with rear hops just on the spot on the flat for ages. As with everything start small and slowly work your way bigger. I've only rear-wheel-hopped off around 2 feet, it's not the actual hop down which is difficult, it's the setup where the difficulties (mental/physical) can occur, and that's really the reason I didn't attempt risky moves until I was satisfied I had at least enough control to handle the setup before the hop down. My last video was a couple of months ago, yet another "I'm so shit at trials" moment, messing about...
  20. I was thinking about this some more and I probably did have a similar approach. I wanted to be just be riding along on some 25mile xc/trail ride, see some random obstacle and just hop up/over/whatever as if it was nothing, something like a Chris Akrigg MTB video! It needs stamina, so would sometimes treat my trials rides more like endurance exercise than a skills exercise. I've watched a lot of bodyweight + strength training videos and they always talk about the requirement of good form, and when training for skills (ie not strength) to avoid going anywhere near the point of fatigue because that is when bad form arises, bad habits are formed, mistakes made etc. Being in my forties I need to take more care so just can't practice practice practice at trials.
  21. I don't do any long sessions, usually just an hour, but I'm thinking about continuing with shorter rides say 45 minutes. From watching group ride videos, it seems like lots of people spend lots of time sat around not riding! Ride today was 40 minutes, resting lest than 10 minutes. Wait for heart rate to calm down and go. Agree about the strength, saw improvement in some moves today despite taking a break from it. One improvement was hopping onto a small ledge (14") onto rear wheel, something I've really struggled with in the past. Got it a few times and then just got the feeling it wasn't going to happen again today. Take your point about repetition too, avoiding boredom is a good motivator against that though. I tried going out 3 times a week, I think that's when the problems get too much. Going to continue with trials once or occasionally twice a week which at least leaves time and energy for other forms of exercise besides bikes.
  22. Well I've still been getting this issue recently, it culminated I think when I went to Radical Bikes in August on their re-opening after the worst of lockdown was over. Other than a single ride, haven't ridden the trials bike since. Decided I'd give trials a break for a few months and attempt to improve my upper body strength. Been doing low reps of dips, pull ups, bodyweight rows, push ups etc. Low reps because I'm not strong. Still been getting the strained feeling. Have found to some degree these exercises improve it. Wondered if it's possibly week rotator cuff, but not sure. Found scapular pull ups and push ups actually help. Seems though I find some exercise that helps and a while later need to find something else. Trying to mix it all up more and do more movement based exercise as noticed all sorts of instability in general and shoulder seem a bit lopsided. Seem to hold right shoulder up a bit... wonder if in connection with holding a mouse at a desk for long periods.. Anyway, hope to get back to learning trials at some point but got a lot going on at the moment.
  23. The good news is you'll never have issues with saddle discomfort on a trials bike - guaranteed! The bad news - pedals on trials bikes are even more nasty choppy spike ridden things. Have you thought about a mountain bike?
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