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Everything posted by marg26

  1. marg26


    to be honest I've had enough of that too. There's another UK based knobbly tired two wheeled recreational transport forum where this dismissal of anyone who has doubts about the official line is rife. It's probably putting a lot of people off that forum. It's certainly putting a lot of people off from actually discussing their doubts because the moment anyone does they're either a tinfoil hat wearer, or troll. I suspect there's a lot of us who reside somewhere in the middle, who've done what they're told, you know it's meant to be based on science, we may not trust a single word coming out of the mouth of Boris, but the scientific advisors (the people who've actually made it their daily life to work on vaccines and viruses etc) we have our faith in (one of whom does post on the aforementioned forum, and it's worth reading his comments for, but it's wading through the other overly zealous shite that's so wearying). Apparently pharma has announced the sooner-rather-than-later need for a 2nd booster. I've got my two jabs, and I'll probably go for the booster before long, but I'm not rushing to go. The vaccine appears to be working for me however as have been in close proximity with someone who tested positive (LFT & PCR).
  2. How else am I meant to hold the bars when not using the brakes!?
  3. I've seen quite a few couples who ride MTB and put out videos on Youtube. Are there any trials couples doing the same? If not then I guess the closest might be Pat Smage and his wife/partner Hannah but she is closer to a mountain biker than trials rider.
  4. Thought I'd have a go at riding brakeless this afternoon even though I'm not a competent trials rider. I didn't commit by removing the brakes, just avoided using them. This was helped by not trying to stretch my skills, just riding the bike with wheels mostly on the ground attempting to navigate tight spaces between a wall and a few pallets. Lots of small English bunny hops and small pivots to change direction and reduce speed, leaning front into objects. A few roll ups onto double stacked pallets and across a small gap was about as daring as it go. It made a change to my usual session and felt valuable for balance and control. Was only out for half an hour, but wrists felt like they'd had a workout.
  5. marg26


    Love this short paragraph from your link: "I’ll be blunt: there is very little within this letter that is even close to being correct, and there is almost no evidence presented to support any of its claims. I’ll now go through it point-by-point to explain where it’s wrong." - no fluffy vagaries or dressing it up. Beautiful! - the rest of the article however is too technical for me to read. Here's an alternative: https://www.mcgill.ca/oss/article/covid-19-critical-thinking-pseudoscience/doomsday-prophecy-dr-geert-vanden-bossche or https://sciencebasedmedicine.org/countering-geert-vanden-bossches-dubious-viral-open-letter-warning-against-mass-covid-19-vaccination/
  6. marg26


    Maybe read this and see what you think: https://fullfact.org/health/Vernon-Coleman-Trafalgar-Square-conspiracy-claims-false/ Don't get me wrong, things that have happened in relation to covid do raise questions, and give me doubts, but when the suggested reading is someone such as Coleman I'd rather put my trust in Peppa Pig LOL. It's all a bit of a mess really!
  7. marg26


    So is the wikipedia page about him: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Vernon_Coleman - doesn't exactly sound good - pseudoscientific, AIDS denialist, anti-vaxxer, conspiracy theorist Yes but what does it mean, how should we interpret it? According to Coleman: "It proves that everything that has happened since March has been a lie." which in my mind supports everything I read about him on that wikipedia page.
  8. Best thing about this is the kids shouting (I'm the rider).
  9. There's no mildly irritating thread.... One of my first beginner trials videos I put on youtube seems to have gone 'viral' with 1.1K views in the past month and maybe 3 comments! Can't be doing with that! I deleted one of the comments because it wound me up. Think the title was the problem, so changed it and deleted the tags. Hopefully the YT algos will stop pushing it on people now - fingers crossed. (For context: the 2nd top video in the past month got 54 views).
  10. Thanks. Will probably go exo rear and regular front.
  11. Currently running some old 24" Danny Mac Air Kings on my Inspired Console. My riding is mainly in the back garden, on pallets and the odd bit of concrete. Now things are definitely getting damper, grip is starting to become a concern. The Air Kings don't seem to clear the mud well, and potential for slip increasing, causing problems for confidence - and I'm not very good at the best of times. Anyway, what would you recommend? What's got good levels of knobbly grip with a similar volume?
  12. Just posting this because it's a street bike... in a field. Walking back from the local skatepark after getting a snake bite puncture trying to bunny hop the tear-drop cut-out. First puncture in nearly 3 years. Lovely day though!
  13. I feel like this is something I should know about my Console....
  14. Hmmmm I don't know. My goto music is EDM. Over the past few years the 90% of the music I've been listening to is a result of a search on Discogs using a word that will link to what someone else previously posted on a forum, and filtered with 'electronic' and 2020/2021! Quite closed minded, but I occasionality remove the 'electronic' filter or the years! I pretty much insulate myself from pop music, have no interest in it at all. I'm not sure what the exception is to this. My 4yo boy has been watching a lot of Danny Macaskill* videos recently, and I like the Proclaimers song it's upbeat... but that's childhood related... They were in the top40 (letter from America) when I was growing up, as was MJ, PSB, most of the House tunes that were in the charts around '88 still like some of that stuff for nostalgia. Never liked metal... Can't stand soft rock or rock ballads. Although death metal (Napalm Death, Obituary, about covers that episode), and grunge/indie (MBV,Nirvana,Curve,Lush about covers that episode, although recently Cherry Glazer). * idea for a childrens trials animation series: Danny Alpaccaskill
  15. Isn't this it I kind of want to watch but haven't really got a spare 3 hours!
  16. My 4yo boy was asking questions about numbers so I happened upon a website to calculate how long it would take a person to count to 1 million. Do you know which (positive integer) number under 1 million has the most syllables? Can't say I'd ever thought about it, but now I know. Based upon the calculations, it would take me, with 3 hours sleep per night (I'd want to commit), 26 days. https://engaging-data.com/count-to-one-million/
  17. Yes I've watched that video (and others) a few times now.... then went out and did that stuff in my video up there instead. I'm just useless at translating instructions for moving my body into actual body movements... an uncoordinated bag of flesh and bones! Will get there eventually, or I won't :shrug:
  18. Thought I got move 3 today, finally, but reading the described techniques above, I did it differently. Basically I did it as shown in the video below, but started with the front wheel on a ledge (rather than on the ground as in the video). The front may have lifted slightly off the ledge (2 pallets), got it cleanly 2nd go, but struggled to repeat. Just curious if any thoughts on doing it this way rather than the techniques described above?
  19. marg26


    Ah Advent looks interesting. Recently wrote my 9 speed Shimano derailleur off and decided to try singlespeed but not taken with it. Where's a good place to get them?
  20. This amused me, only a BMXer would treat their bike like this: :-D
  21. I'm not sure about this one, but: Don't waste time and energy trying to find perfect balance to initiate the move.... DO THE MOVE!!!!!!!!! Occurred to me over the past couple of days. I often do it, hop from side to side, then pause, and then loose balance, but I've wasted some much energy doing so I then have to rest before trying again, and 85% of the time I'll just do the same again over and over and end up feeling too knackered to actually practice the thing I intended. On the other hand, I'm nearly 3 years in learning trials at an older age and I'm probably a bit stiff and wooden and with balance having never been one of my strengths, perhaps this is just something I need to go through. But then again sometimes I know I defer doing the move for the sake of perfect balance so:DO THE MOVE STOP TRYING TO FIND PERFECT BALANCE!!!!
  22. I've been learning trials 3 years now but only recently started off the bike balance practice. Would recommend. Try standing on one leg for a minute, swap legs, not too difficult.., then repeat but with your eyes shut. Really felt it on the ankles and lower leg. Can't promise it will actually help but maybe will let you know in six months time! Good for when your upper body is suffering. Loads of other balance exercises available on YouTube but that's a good beginning.
  23. marg26


    They gave me a pamphlet version of this https://www.gov.uk/government/publications/covid-19-vaccination-guide-for-older-adults/covid-19-vaccination-a-guide-to-phase-2-of-the-programme There's a link to mhra gov yellow card website for reporting side effects at the end.
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