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Everything posted by Alanward87

  1. Thanks all for the detailed assessment, being rather green to modern bikes it was certainly needed. Being 33 and mainly riding with my kid I don't see that the upgrade side of things will be a huge issue as I don't think I will progress beyond what the bike is capable of. it will be a consideration though as no doubt the son will inherit it at some point. Now you mention it the Czar Neuron 24 it looks interesting, I have not considered it as I have not found any here in the UK. I don't really have a budget as such just want a decent ish bike to play on that's does not cost the earth for the sake of it, at the end of the day the bike will not make me better. I have found a Czar Neuron 24 from an online store in Poland that will deliver to the UK. I will be giving that some serious consideration but not for to long as we exit the European union at the end of this month. Imports may be more costly and time consuming after then.
  2. It reads like a reasonable spec but as a novice in the trials world again dont have any experience to say. The link below is what I was looking at. https://www.tartybikes.co.uk/24_inch_trials_bikes/czar_ion_plus_24_inch/c50p13169.html?pos=986.2857055664062&search_params=YTo3OntzOjEyOiJjYXRlZ29yeV9pZHMiO2E6MTp7aTowO3M6MjoiNTAiO31zOjE2OiJjYXRlZ29yeV9yZWN1cnNlIjtiOjE7czo4OiJrZXl3b3JkcyI7czowOiIiO3M6OToiYnJhbmRfaWRzIjtOO3M6NDoibW9kZSI7czozOiJhbGwiO3M6NDoic29ydCI7czo5OiJwcmljZV9hc2MiO3M6MTA6ImNvdW50cnlfaWQiO3M6MToiMSI7fQ%3D%3D#&gid=1&pid=8 Anyone know what these brakes are like?
  3. So, im looking at a street trials bike. I was just going to get the flow + 24 inch with mt4's. At the min these are out of stock. Being impatient I started looking at other bikes, I have seen the czar ion +. Is there any reason why any of you would pick one over the other? Quite a noob question and likely it will fall down to personal preference but wanted to rule out any technical points. If it helps, im 5'11 and 15 stone. Limited experience but can do some basics but would not get any points for style lol.
  4. Thanks Mark, I will keep that in mind. To be honest I hadn't considered that side of things
  5. General consensus is get a dedicated trials bike and a dedicated trail bike to avoid not being satisfied and just spending more at a later date. Thanks guys think I will keep an eye out for a 24" inspired to get me back into the swing of things again.
  6. OK so here goes I'm 31, 5 foot 11 and 14 stone 9 not fat just former gym freak. I used to ride trials as a teen but that seems like a lifetime ago. Just brought a new house in the woods and it would be a shame not to make full use of it. My son is aged 10 and is just getting into biking properly. I'm looking for something I can go out for a ride with him on and not be left behind yet still have some light trials fun on and maybe some light jumping. I'm asking a lot from one bike I appreciate this. I was looking at something like a Bergamont Kiez 040 26" 2018 model. Only being able to find them online it's hard to say if it will be capable of meeting the trials side of it or if it would just be like flogging a dead horse. What's your guys thoughts? Thanks in advance for anyone willing to give their opinion.
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