The "laws" of physics change about every twenty years! All of those theories about gravity were supposed to be what was correct not that long ago, and they still teach it to you at GCSE, but when you progress they tell you that these laws are no longer correct because they discovered something new about them.
Physicists admit that they have so much to learn, and experiments taking place daily are consistently proving theories wrong.
For example... the speed of light is the fastest anything can go... a fundamental part of most theories to do with light and energy, everything would go kapput if that was proven wrong... but it has. Electrons have been found to be communicating over vast distances in nanoseconds, proving that the communication they share is faster than the speed of light (basic speed=distance/time)
So these are ideas are for the moment the best we have.. physicists thought not ten years ago that an electron was the smallest thing in the universe, now the have discovered quarks. which they think are the smallest thing in the universe. and they dont even slightly understand quarks, because they dissprove so many theories. quarks always come in pairs, and unlike anything else, when you try to seperate them, the bond between them becomes stronger. when you actually manage to seperate them, two new quarks appear next to the seperated quarks, back with the original bond. They dont understand how something can come of nothing, but it means that there is something smaller going on that they dont understand.
In other words, and to quote my physics lecturer, "We dont have a clue"