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Everything posted by andyroo

  1. So it jumped under a bus and went "splat"
  2. Nope. We have the internet on computers now :lol:
  3. Havent you got a birthday card to be making? :blink:
  4. Simple silhouettes with different deep colours. hand make it with card, printed to paper will look crap
  5. andyroo

    Not Again!

    I'm in London, I need to go to Victoria tonight, which is apparently closed! :blink:
  6. I don't like your bike because I am afraid of gay men
  7. andyroo


    So a 6 stone 8 year old girl could learn how to backwheel 50" without putting on any muscle whatsoever??? I dont think so...
  8. The 70 watts per channel on the Sony Amp is the equivelent to something like 120-150 watts RMS that is advertised on crappy stereos/speakers.
  9. Yeah, if you have a thousand pounds lying around :blink:
  10. You plonker! the first thing it says on the spec is "sold as a pair" you big wally (Y) EDIT: read my above edit about cable, and if you can buy a more expensive pair of missions, do it! if you can afford £300 on a set of speakers, get a £300 set! and ive replied in f/s wanted
  11. In the end we believe in the same God, just at a different slant. Well, when we're both in heaven (hopefully!) we'll meet up, and one of us can say, "I told you so...!"
  12. Remember, those suicide bombers did what they did because "God said it"
  13. I had that amp alongside the cd player im trying to sell, and although im bias in trying to sell my cd player, they are a match for each other, same make and range, so i would suggest, if you get the sony amp, that you get it from me! i would sell it to you for half the retail price plus postage, its in new condition. There is no point in getting the SACD player, save yourself the money and get a CD player. Like mine! (BUY BUY BUY!) For SACD you wil need SACD speakers and a surrond sound amp to benefit from it. Which is worth it but costs around about £2000 to do. But anyway, yes, that amp is very nice. Rated well by What Hifi (5 out of 5) and offers everything you need, sacrificing complicated techno wizardry, and just gaining pure sound quality. some people seem to think that the wattage of a speaker rates how good it is, but it is infact impedance. These speakers here are a good buy, and excellent quality if your budget stretches that far, for you price, Mission is probably your best bet. If not those ones, there are cheaper ones on the site, but they definately are the ones id go for. Dont bother buying centre speakers as a pair, they dont reprodue bass well because they are for directional purposes only, for use with surround sound kits. Did i mention im selling a sony cd player? check for sale wanted!!! BIG EDIT!!!!! DO NOT and i mean DO NOT scrimp on cable! get decent speaker wire, like QED bronze aniversary and get some nice thick interconnects for your amp to cd player, must be gold plated for extra bling! no seriously, wire can make or break a system, so dont go all cheap when it comes to your wiring.
  14. Go Sony for amp definately, they are always rated as good as products twice the price, check out www.unbeatable.co.uk for good online prices for stuff, get the best you can afford. Get a good stereo amp over a cheaper surround sound amp. Sony speakers are amazing - if you buy the top spec ones. The top ones have kevlar woofers and tweeters capable of reaching 70,000 hz, meaning good crisp clear treble. but if not, Kef make a very good range of cheaper speakers, as do Mission. If in doubt, look your product up in What Hifi? magazine. I have a nice sony cd deck for sale if youre interested!
  15. From the amount of swearing youve done, and the criticisms towards people, youve already broken two of your own commandments. Being that you can't even act how you should act as a Jew, and how freely you break the rules given to you by God, I'd say your opinion is somewhat null and void. All I'll say is that it says in your own Torah, that Moses led the Jewish people from Eygypt to the promised land... and took it over. So Israel isnt yours at all, is it? How can a people only 12 million strong make such a big stink
  16. That could quite possibly be becaus Judaism is the only religion you have to be born into, and you can't join.... which kind of gives off the impression that God is an idiot, and only likes random people.
  17. andyroo


    I'm sure youre brave enough to work out the rest for yourself
  18. andyroo


    *Sigh* Search on google for "sponsered female skaters" As I read earlier on today, if you can't use google then you're too thick to own a computer EDIT: Make sure you spell "Sponsored" correctly though :">
  19. andyroo


    Why don;t you just google it if your so interested (Y)
  20. They have been taken over by the same people who took over Jewish land, don't forget, Africa is next door to all the Arabic countries. They all suffered the same at the hands of the Romans, Egyptians, etc... and also black people have suffered from bad governments for a very long time. To be honest, the Romans did a huge favour to most cultures, and gave them industries and order where they would otherwise resort to civil wars. Like I said, Jews are the only ones that still go on about it. No one picks on them anymore, so they have to dig up the past and monitor text messages to actually get any sympathy
  21. Yeah, as were all the surrounding countries and religions cultures or whatever, be it the Roman or Egyptians or whoever the latest world conquering yobs were. British people have been forced out of Britain. Native Americans were forced out of America. You only think it was the Jews and people only think that Jews were picked on in worrld war 2 because that is what Jewish religious leaders and the media wants you to think, for a sympathy plight. There are still a lot of Jews in high places, and Jewish groups have a lot of sway when it comes to decesions made in this country, and others. You make it sound like the Jews were the only people ever to be in a war! It reminds me of when a pathetic girl starts limping because they tap their toe against something, and they say it really hurts, when the reality of it is, it only stings a bit, and you think to yourself, "I'll give you a good reason to limp..."
  22. Explain yourself a bit more there? Where over thousands of years, Jews were persecuted, so was every other country within 10,000 miles of Israel! Countries fought wars with each other all over the place! If you reckon that is persecution, then you would be saying that the British were persecuted by the French in the Napoleonic Wars??? The Jewish culture isnt as pathetic and feeble as the media makes out, they have survived different wars and conquerings, along with other cultures, and before world war 2, they were running most of and were the backbone of Germany, which was Hitler's reasoning behind getting rid of them because he thought they had too much power.
  23. andyroo


    No but there are a lot of women sponsered, in that a company gives them products or pays them to advertise their brand
  24. Aaaaaaaaaaand.... more black people were killed than Jews in WW2 by German soldiers
  25. Persecuted? Watch life of Brian.... "What have the romans ever done for us!?... Other than the roads, sanitation, public health, education, good food...etc" Although the Romans occupied Jewish land, they allowed them to continue as normal, and the Jewish culture only suffered as much as every other culture under the hands of the Romans... like the whole of Europe and the east... :) The Jews havent been singled out or persecuted any more than anyone else.
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