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Everything posted by andyroo

  1. andyroo


    From the album: art

  2. Ahh, willies. :huh: That means I'm gonna have to get a new bb if I get an Eno. That wont please the missus very much. I could just take the Zoo! bashring off, but I think it look nice :ermm:
  3. I got an ACS with zoo cranks and bash with a 118 bb, and with the tabs sanded off i have about a mil clearance... :huh: Is the eno as deep as the ACS?
  4. Jealousy maybe? :huh: Anyway, girls like being picked on
  5. Awww... boooo! :( Theres always one isnt there... You remind me of Hermione :D :">
  6. andyroo


    From the album: art

  7. It happened when the bombs went off :( Dont forget the amount of people per square metre in New Orleans and London is hugely different.
  8. If the image is on your computer, click, my controls, your albums, create album, fill in the details, click the drop down box at the end of the album and select upload image. choose your image and away you go! To post the image on the forum, right click the image in your gallery, properties, copy the image url, and when posting, click IMG at the top, paste the url, and its done.
  9. andyroo


    A levels in Maths, Physics and D+T will get you far... Try and get into a company after A Levels that will pay for you to do a part time uni course. That way you gain experience and pay rises, plus gaining useful qualifications. (Y)
  10. A push up should be done with hands shoulder width apart, under or behind (in the direction of your feet) where your shoulders are, and done slowly. Nose should touch the ground, bum should stay down, and arms shoudl not be fully estended at the top of the pressup. if they do, it gives you a slight bit of rest when your arms are locked.
  11. Now you're under my control you can make it happen. "Make what happen?", you say. But inside you know... I don't think millions upon millions of people can be represented by one mans opinion, and I think that Chris Tucker showed that by his face afterwards. The fact that Kanye was dressing his opinion as the opinion of all the black people in New Orleans is a cowardish way of saying, "I have my own radical judgemental opinions, but I want people to think that I have a mighty army backing me up, not just me being a knobend" EDIT: My spelling has really gone downhill today...Grr
  12. There you go then... the black people were starting to feel left out and were trying to find something to blame their lazyness on. :P Naaah... I'm sure the general consensus of the New Orleans people is that George Bush is just narrow minded and obsessed with Iraq, not that he likes drowning black people for fun. I guess the influence Kanye has, has gone a little bit too much to his head... I think I should be a senior member (Y) EDIT: Missed an 's'
  13. It makes the thread more interesting! I'm sure George Bush's time was taken up by being racsist to the far eastern people, and his plans to blow them all up. Maybe because there is no real racism towards black people anymore and that its all being directed to the far east, so they are getting a bit jealous, feeling a bit left out? Wanting some attention maybe? On a serious note, five days does seem like a long time, but for a rescue plan of that scale to be conjured up out of nowhere would take time. And its not like the Presidents time was free for those few days so he could plan it, he still has the rest of america to run as well. And oil to steal, and foriegn goverments to corrupt... etc
  14. They have buses there, they do! Just accept it! America's bus system is second to none, providing cheap, frequent transport across long distances... But anyway, if the weather was deemed to be fine, and after the storm went everything was fine, then all of a sudden New Orleans is floating, preparing a search and rescue for a place the size of the UK (haha! im using your information against you! :P ) is going to be very tedious and very slow. I dont see how everyone expects the entire state of New Orleans to be provided with food, shelter, and medicine (they dont need water, they got enough of that (Y) ) in such a short space of time, being that there is millions of people living there. If George Bush really was racist, I'm sure he wouldnt have sent any aid at all, along with a note saying "I told you so"
  15. Now your just being silly (Y) And anyway, if they had moved out or not, like you say it is very unpredictable, which means that the main point of George Bush being rascist is even more of a numpty thing to say... what im more interested in is peoples opinions, especially yours Mark, on whether Kanye was justified in saying what he did or if it was just innapropriate. And im typing quick cos im at work and i shoudnt be on here (Y)
  16. They have buses they go on? In fact, if they had got a bus out of town, then got it back again, the time taken to get in and out would be enough for the danger, if any, to pass. The poorer people can afford the busses, because a lot of them have to travel hours and hours to get to work, on a bus. Its true, i saw on TV (Y) EDIT: Most people would do anything to protect their families. I think this is one of of those "anything" kind of situations.
  17. Amen to that. Buy my music because its only partially manufactured... (Y)
  18. Better to be safe than sorry? I would rather spend a day or so homeless, to come back to my undamaged house after the storm had passed than to sit around and then be injured the storm and its effects. Proper preperation prevents poor performance, yeah? For one uncomfortble night, you can save yourself and your family, I know thats what i'd do. I wouldnt sit around like a lemon.
  19. Alright.... put it this way... would you rather be: 1) Alive and well, but homeless or 2) Severely injured, kids dead, homeless, with a huge hospital bill cos that was the choice they had. EDIT: Tomm, it was all over the news the week before it had happened that this storm was the biggest America had seen, and waaaaaaay surpassed the defences that New Orleans had. EDIT AGAIN: Anywho, were drifting from the point, it was unfair of Kanye to be so personal about his reasons as to the balls-up, especially as he probably has a lot of sway over black people all over america, which may lead to unnessesary violence. Noone know George's motives, and I'm sure that the fact that he hates black people wouldnt go down too well on his C.V. It was uncalled for and unnessesary to the cause he was supposed to be representing. For all he knows, he could have jeopadised the amount of aid given now because people disagree with him.
  20. Explain what you mean? EDIT: I dont like the way Kanye spoke like he was representing the black community of America, "my people" and all that stuff... you can tell Chris Tucker wasn't too impressed...
  21. Ok then, so my next point would be; is it George's fault that these people cant afford to evacuate? A bus doesnt cost much out of town, and its easy enough to get a bus out to the next state... they knew that if they stayed or left, their wordly possesions would be lost either way, so you would think, that for the sake of themselves, and for their children, they would have caught a bus out of the danger zone. If they have known for ages that their flood defences are not adequate, and that Americas biggest storm is coming, what do they think stubbornly sitting back and not leaving is going to do to them? They had more than enough warning to raise a few dollars each to catch a bus. And overall what IS the reason that all the poorer people in America are black? EDIT: I admire Kanye's courage/stupidity to call what he makes music
  22. So it would have been a little bit more helpful if the people of New Orleans had done what they were told and atually evactuated the city... and like I said, even after September 11th, the majority of Gerge's voter were black. So some of them like him! I dont like Bush, and don't agree with his morals, but it would be more realistic to say that the funds and aid are being delivered slowly because Gorge is crap president, not because he is a rascist who wants to see all the blacks drown? My point being - in something that is non race related, why bring racial divide into it? I'm sure the white people living in New Orleans are just as wet as the black people.
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