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Everything posted by andyroo

  1. Saw this in an email, should make for some interesting debate:
  2. Do you mean the hub bolts or the freehub itself? If you mean the bolts, they are normal alan bolts, but they have a funny shaped washer/spacer on them. :D
  3. andyroo

    Gu Mod

    06 Python???? :D Where!?!?
  4. The second bike looks really nice, so long as he doesnt ride it :)
  5. Practise your control when lurching... try and hop along a wonky pattern of chewing gum patches on a path or something, to get your accuracy and balance more refined :)
  6. The caliper isnt catching on the spokes is it? The force when braking might push the caliper over enough to give the spokes a ping as you pull the brake. Just a thought, as my Avid mechanical did that.
  7. Anyone who likes Blackadder will know what I'm on about :)
  8. Yeah thats what I'm thinking, if you definately need something in the gap. Cheers guys ;)
  9. Looks like I'm definately gonna have to spend £50 quid... bugger :)
  10. I've just bought an Eno, and I knew it wouldnt fit on the bb with the bashring installed on the cranks, so before I put it on, I took the bahring off, hoping the freewheel would screww on the whole way. Unfortunately, the freewheel doesn't go on the whole way, and thee is a specific gap left between the crank and the freewheel for the bashring. Will I need to have some sort of spacer in te gap so there is contact between the freewheel and the crank at all? Or is the gap between the crank and freewheel ok? Cheers! (Y)
  11. Aren't those cranks just Zoo! cranks?
  12. Thats what I've got now, in 118. I cant see them in bigger than 118
  13. Looks like I'm gonna have to be spending £50 on a bb then (Y) just when I thought my bike was ready to go as well :P
  14. Where from, I've only seen those on CRC with a 73 shell size... (Y) Would this be any good?
  15. Ive got an Echo Team 04, just bought an Eno, got Zoo! cranks, and 118 is too small. Im on a tight budget now, and I need to get a bb soon cos i havent ridden my bike all summer and its driving me nuts. any suggestions? And the shell size is 68 i believe...
  16. What!? Oh go on then, if you insist...:
  17. This is equally as impressive, this website is devoted to 3d models, some are truely amazing here
  18. andyroo


    From the album: art

  19. I presume that Deng wants to keep the mentality that Echo and Zoo! are two different companies going. It means, even though they are so similar, people will have a prefered company of the two, meaning they will buy from one and not the other instead of not wanting to buy Deng's bikes at all.
  20. When I used to be in the Air Cadets (boo, hiss) it really frustrated me that the girls were allowed to do girly pressups. They are like pressups, but you do them on your hands and knees. I could do them without any hands they are so easy. The funny thing was some of the girls couldnt even do them! :)
  21. Aww...booo...I feel so let down :) ;)
  22. Click here, then add me to msn if you are interested, trialsbiscuit@hotmail.com
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