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  1. After 3rd dead magura lever in a pretty short period of time i descided to try something new... And I have bought 2 new Hayes A2 brakes. So... Both calipers started leaking after first ride. But i enjoyed this brakes so much :(. Ok, i installed 2 repair kits for the calipers. 1st ride after rebuilding brakes - ok 2nd ride - leakage from the all 4 pistons. These brakes are just a meme. Warranty doesn't work for this local diller.
  2. I cracked left dropout on the TMS Silex V2 from the second sidehop. What do you know about frustration? xD
  3. I had both frames in my hands. Fixed bottom bracket and rear end on the welding table. I didn't measure the reach, just seen the difference in the length of the front triangle (headtube axle was moved 5-7mm forward in 19 arcade). In this case Arcade with wishbones was shrorter.
  4. So, 2 cranks. Second one was veeeery small. Thanks for the frame P.S. My friend has ~2013 arcade frame in garage (with cracked brakemount and seatpost). Compared them. Older one is for about 5-7mm shorter (shorter frontend). Just a fun fact.
  5. Hello. Looks like I got your old Arcade frame. Could you tell me please, does it have 1 crack on one side or 2 cracks on both sides of the frame? I wonna weld it tomorrow. Sorry for my english. Thanks.
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