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Everything posted by pinky

  1. Is this on your mac ali? pinky
  2. pinky

    Dj's Tee Order

    S: 36" M: 42" L: 46" XL: 50" XXL: 52" there stand T shirts
  3. pinky


    hmm I cant get the lighting right but you can see what the design looks like anyway il have to get some pictures in the daytime light EDIT just to to clarify that these are actually dark forest green and not black :lol:
  4. I can remember hearing about is what actually was said though? pinky
  5. Im very impressed with the quality of the tensioners there really nice and a great design,mayeb its the photos? pinky
  6. pinky


    Thats not the meaning im trying to represent though bongo, its just poking fun at trials and how things are done I see benito ross do crank flips on a bin all the time :) but I know where your coming from and I ride a koxx levelboss mod :)" pinky p.s MR jon mac actually made the site so all the credit needs to be thrown his way and im wearing one right so il go get a few pictures when my camera batterys are charged
  7. Mines been pretty good so far chilled a bit rode yesterday shame my bike isnt up to standards but never mind and im to ride some natural today at the seaside :-
  8. pinky


    :)" Ive been found out :"> pinky
  9. pinky

    Xbox Live

  10. pinky


    :) I couldnt resist pinky
  11. pinky


    Thank you nick carter
  12. pinky


    hmm :wink2: just it just not find it? It seems to work on IE alright pinky il post pictures in this thread tommorow aswell on the site ben :P go get firefox
  13. pinky


    not really was just used more by him ive speaken to him anyway when I first set it up and he didnt say anything.. and its not like he wanted to do what I did anyway is it? I dont see any patents :wink2: pinky
  14. pinky


    Il be doing zip up hoodys and bits im just seeing th response first thanks for the kind words, Il get pictures up tommorow pinky
  15. pinky


    Well the first batch is printed to take a further look and what the idea behind it all head to here Ive got all sizes in stock but a limited number, Il get pictures up for you tommorow pinky :wink2:
  16. me and simon and wing will be there :wink2: pinky
  17. pinky


    haha class dont you blame your parents for calling you james :P pinky
  18. pinky

    Ubuntu Linux

    This may not be the best place for a quick answer try some different linux forums or search for your distro and go from there, many people wont have experience with that distro on here. But im sure our mr delusional ( Local forum Linux geek :wink2:" ) might be able to help pinky
  19. pinky


    My second name is pink :wink2: pinky
  20. If you listen to the tape he says "ahah im recording this you fanny" * pinky *may not be the correct content
  21. Im not ignorant to the Jewish community but what about the others that suffered at the hands of the germans but I never hear about the other people that were murdered in them camps like gypseys and transexuals you only see the facts and figures, The jewish are kicking up a big fuss over nothing to be perfectly fair he used a example maybe it wasnt the best example but it was a example he said nothing offensive to the jewish community so it seems unfair that he should be called to apolgise as lets face it worst things have been said. Its like jewish want the holocaust to be remembered ( Like it should be) but only for the jew holocaust victims, maybe my judgement is wrong and a little heavy handed but thats my understanding of it and my opinion. pinky
  22. Alexx you didnt answer my question (Y)
  23. search for billabong odyessey :)
  24. Did you use the pen tool for the screen colour changes? I cant seem to make it a new layer or am I doing something wrong? pinky
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