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Everything posted by pinky

  1. A car actually and some skag for the weekend
  2. Withdraw from natwest at one time and I mean inside the actual bank not the cash machine
  3. I play on loads of good servers lots of older people which is usally alot better I would post my ip's if I could be arsed add me on x-fire as pinkythepimp if your interested
  4. wow I want some IPB image on my bmx!
  5. pinky

    Baby Model

    yeah I agree with that its amazingly done
  6. Someone failed english, stop posting tripe
  7. pinky


    Dont you dare post shite
  8. pinky

    Baby Model

    To realistic in my opinion, a little creepy aswell reminds me to much of what I saw last year and it isnt nice
  9. pinky

    Windows X64

    There seems to be a overwhelming amount of drivers availble for everything, does anyone know if its possible to run 32 bit applications on it? Im pretty sure it is, but people who I work with say it isnt Ive run ubuntu 64 for long enough and found all the drivers for that ok( and ran 32 bit apps), havent got that many programs on the ubuntu box though.
  10. pinky

    Nass 2006

    Im up for coming more than likely on my bmx though, should be a laugh hopefully theyll be camping
  11. Ive been listening mainly to the kooks, artic monkeys and maximo park all good albums
  12. Such a sad loss even though I didnt know him its such a tragic accident RIP will
  13. they have these in paris just not as modern and hip , I think its a good idea deters people pissing on the pavement pinky
  14. pinky

    Quick Question

    Yes as this has been pointed it!!! several times, but that doesnt explain why doesnt produce seeds
  15. pinky

    Quick Question

    Like previous posts have said cuttings/clones, but thinking about it these would still produce seeds? more than likely GM produced taking out the part which produces the seeds
  16. how many seeds has the torrent got?
  17. Well you extremely and 99% of the time dont know what your talking about so just be quiet in future and yeah it probaly is just overheating
  18. well it is for symbian the extension must be correct because everything else runs on .app extensions, If I get thsi workign il be extremely happy though looks pretty useful but im not paying for it
  19. Its great fun ive got a canon 500D im still learning to use it though
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