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Everything posted by wally

  1. wally

    New Video

    Site looks great, vid was sweet, especially loving the random characters included in the vid (The plonkers :D ). (N)
  2. Ouch :lol: bet he won't do that again :lol:
  3. wally

    New Wtuk Vid

    oh :lol: i want to see now! :lol:"
  4. I had a stock and a mod at one point, but i found if i rode the mod for too long, it was impossible to do anything on the stock. I solved my problems by selling the stock. :sick: and spending the money i had made from selling on my mod.
  5. Theres a company called 'Altec' very hard to find the website though. something like www.altec-........com. They are very good, you can get any bolt, nut, screw in any lenth, material, and size. :blink: But i can remember the website :">
  6. Nice vid, it downloaded for me direct off the Koxx site, in a about 4 mins. :blink: Who was mini me at the end?
  7. They look good, wonder how the disk works. :(
  8. wally

    My Trials Park

    You are a lucky GIT you do know that. Indoor, and outdoor playground, and all that land, and cars to paly on. :( Can i be your friend. :S
  9. wally


    Very nice vid, i have liked all yours, and some very good riding, especailly that spin manual thing at the end. Good to see my zebber is still holding up too. :( :S
  10. Thats just what i was going to say. (Y)
  11. Oh i see, thanks simon :blink: I was thinking it was someone viewing the forum, through google, jeeves or msn search. (Y)
  12. Hi, i have been meaning to ask this for a while but never did, and now it is really annoying me. In the board statistics at the bottom of the forum, where it shows all the members names who are online, why does it have some that are underlined, like 'googlebot' 'MSN' 'Google' 'Jeeves' what are they as they are not members, are they? :blink: Thanks chris. :">
  13. RIM JAM Greens will be here shortly, so far in testing they have been some good results, both with performance and wear rate.
  14. I could probably do you some double thickness rimjam pads, i mean double thickness backing, not the rubber. :blink:
  15. I like the look of those pedals, apart from the pins look a little fat and might not grip as well as smaller ones, as they wont push into the shoes as much.
  16. Well, some of the stuff your we saying to me at Spalding the other week, was pretty much 'off the hook' and a bit strange. (Y)
  17. I wouldn't put it by you though, you are a bit strange. (Y)
  18. If you do use a hammer like i usually do, make sure you cover your headset with a piece of wood or something. (Y)
  19. Just check when going to sue the press that it applies pressure to the shells and noth the bearings. (Y)
  20. I like the Canadian flag in every hole in the rim.
  21. wally

    Ben Savage

    Nice little vid that was. Downloaded fine for me, and was really clear, not jumpy or anything like that.
  22. He's rather good, like everyone else, can't wait to see the vid! :ermm:
  23. Well done! you lucky git! Got my test soon aswell.
  24. The xen has a few different straps inside to adjust the helmet size both ways, so you can adjust it totally to fit your head. Just stick a tape measure round your head, then get the nearest size, then your will be able to adjust it to suit. On the xen you can adjsut, the neck strap, the fit around your head, and finally how high or low it sits on your head. You cant to as much with the semi mx, its really hope that it fits, and all you can adjust is the neck strap.
  25. I have a Xen at the moment, got it after i bought the wrong size semi mx. The xen is a very nice, helmet, but a bit more money, the things i liked about it compared to the semi mx, was the Xen was a little lighter and a bit more stylish, oh and the xen has a nice clicky adjusty thing at the back, which makes it very easy to change size.
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