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Everything posted by wally

  1. Tartybikes. Down bottom of page. http://tartybikes.co.uk/products.php?product=frames :)
  2. Ride was a good one, really enjoyed it. :lol: And now a few more people have been introduced to the world of Ben Cole. :huh:
  4. Monday, i can bring 3 or 4 riders with me from Wisbech.
  5. wally

    Revell 20"

    Its Chris Doney's site, so i would expect it to be a Revell. Not sure though.
  6. wally

    Revell 20"

    http://cdtrialsport.co.uk/shop/product_inf...&products_id=70 Thats all i know, and i would love one! :sleeping: But i am scared it will be too heavy and short for me. (Y)
  7. I did some really nice ones for Todge. I glue the pad into a solid backing, i then screwed and glued a new power pad backing on to that. Worked really well, and was very strong with no movement or flex. I will try and get you some pics tomoz. :sleeping:
  8. Well to find the right compound, you have to decide on the compound, i dont fully understand your problem. We havent yet ordered any compounds, we are just playing with what we have in granule form.
  9. We have stopped the production of the old pads, and we are now using power pad backings. Testing of the new pads is soon to start. I will keep you updated on when they will be on sale. Manxrider i will be contacting you very shortly. :'( Here is a pic of the new RIMJAM pad in testing at the moment. We have not yet decided on a colour or compound.
  10. I'll come, i rode P'boro not long ago, and it was pretty good. :huh: Found some good spots too.
  11. I used to buy it in sheet form, made to a certain thickness for my white backings. You have to buy it in quite big quantities though, and is not easy to get hold of samples in the thickness you want. I now buy it in granule form which is a little harder to get hold of. But i dont think granules would be a lot of use to you, without the tooling. B) Get on google, and buy a big roll. :P But its not easy and it will cost money. In fact it is probably cheaper to buy pads in the long run, also it is alot kinder on your hands and a lot less stressful to just buy pads. :blink:
  12. Its not that big, only one run, quarter, jump box and a roll in, you know the sort of set up. And is usually infested with skate boarders. :P Still not bad though. (Y)
  13. Same here, mines going monday.
  14. Depends who makes them :D . If you make your own moulds, its cheap. :) Dont really understand all the fighting, but its nice to hear of products heading our way, gets em excited :angry: . (Y)
  15. No, its ok, i am taking benny to liven up the event. :(
  16. You could also drill out the end square posts in the backing, to say 6mm, this will then get rid of that square block at each end, which will then make it easier to cut a pad to fit. P.S drilling that red rubber can be quite dangerous :D It seems to grip to the drill bit and not let go until you do. (Y)" So be careful. :( And i might have some green and blue rubber for sale soon, which would be easier to cut, as it firmer. :)
  17. Im coming on Saturday :D If Todge is taking Sam, i am going to have to come on my own. Unless Jake wants to come with me? :)
  18. Lol, is that why you wouldn't come out last night? You look even more gay now Joe! (Y)
  19. Hi, sorry to hear people are having problems. I have changed my webhost, and in the process i have had to move my domain, and email account which worked off host's website. During the transfer, not everything went smoothly, and i think i may have lost some emails. We are soon to have some new pads out, with a completely new backing and pad. If the people who are having trouble would like to Pm or email me, then i will get you name down on a list, and i will send you some of the new pads, once they are ready. I will be needing a photo of the pads. I will keep everyone informed when the new pads are ready. Thanks, Chris. (N)
  20. FOUNDATIONS Foundations to match existing and to be confirmed by building inspector prior to commencement of construction. The minimum depth of foundation from finished external ground level should be 750mm or if shrinkable subsoil is encountered a minimum of 1000mm. Foundations to be designed by a structural engineer if adverse soil conditions are found, any irregularity in soil conditions to be reported to agent for immediate advice. (Y) Just general work stuff.
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