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Everything posted by wally

  1. Home made BB tool and crank extractor. Sorry about the quality pic, its quite old. http://www.rimjam.com/tools.jpg
  2. I have one and i think its great, only down side is the small memory, and my speaker has gone all funny and distorts on most phone calls.
  3. Hehe, i remember you moaning. Its not too bad on that clip, you want to see it now, its got worse! I nearly rim the front when i do my little bounce.
  4. Me backwheeling a bus stop rail. No helmet! http://www.eengoedidee.nl/videoz/bike-trials/chrisrail.wmv EDIT: And another one. http://www.eengoedidee.nl/videoz/bike-trials/complete.wmv
  5. Yeah, ill go. Need to put anti-freeze in rear brake though lol.
  6. wally

    Shaun Smith...

    Well its a shame he cant tell me himself.
  7. Where abouts are you from in Norfolk? :)
  8. Hello, Norfolk? thats near me, where abouts are you from? :)
  9. Joes lol, i got the one and only Ben Cole! :P
  10. Cheers darlin :P Joe you comin aswell now?
  11. Oh bugger i thought it was Sunday, im busy Saturday. :turned:
  12. This ride still on? Ye? Me and Ben are still coming. :turned:
  13. wally

    Danny Foster?

    Hi, didnt know where to post this. But does anyone have Danny Foster's number, if you do can you please PM me it. As he never seems to be online when i am. Thanks. (Y)
  14. Is some one called Shaun Smith going? He still owes me money, and it not funny now!
  15. wally

    First Cars

    :) Yeah, that was funny. Sounds a right beast. My Clio will do 117mph. :lol:
  16. Im gonna see her a bit earlier, so we will be round about 8 now. ok?
  17. Cant really, not sure whats going on, got to go see the lady at 5 for a bit then at 10 :turned: Do you mind if we come round late?
  18. OIT....... you told me you were at work at 9 so meh.
  19. Yeah we are coming. :turned:
  20. Me and ben might come. :P I'll ask ben later. :turned:
  21. No Joe, silver was fine, it needs to be glossy if you are spraying it brown. <_< I think it will scratch way too each like your green one did. BUT it does look ok at the moment. (N) Oh and wheres the green stickers?
  22. I look like a right chav mush on those pics. B) Never wearing that hat again, it kept falling off. Boothy- If your out on Sunday i would love to ride there again, and im sure Joe and Sam would. (Y)
  23. Thanks for all your replies. Made a few changes over the past few days to the pads, so i will be contacting people once they are ready. <_<
  24. OOOh, is the 'eyeTV' any good? was thinking of getting one. <_<
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