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Everything posted by wally

  1. These one in Peterborough called y2 sk8. Tis pretty good and indoor. HERE
  2. Im sure tartybikes can still get you one even though its not on the site. Give them a ring, but im sure they only come in silver or black. When i bought mine from tartybikes they had to order it in from profile.
  3. I might go, may bring Ben too lol. Pat sell me your king stock wheel.
  4. Yep ill be there and camping with a few other mates. I will hopefully have the new pads on sale by then so i can give you a load of prizes.
  5. Dan6061, can you add mine to the list please. Would be good if you could host it with tv.isg.is http://www.eengoedidee.nl/videoz/bike-tria..._kerb_video.wmv
  6. wally


    This frame would be perfect for my rear disk conversion, as the chainstays would protect the disk from getting hit, during sidehops and bails etc. Any idea on the wheelbase Mark?
  7. Just a quick question, can anyone tell me the length of their Echo CNC'd bolts, im sure on a set i have seen that they are shorter, can anyone confirm this is MM please. A standard four-bolt, bolt is 25mm i think. Thanks.
  8. Heres my attempt, its my first ever vid, so dont expect miracles with the editing. :$ If any would like to upload it elsewhere please do, i can never get the tv.isg.si to work. Oh and turn the bass up, the song sounds so much better with a bit of bass. Hope you like it. eengoedidee.nl
  9. Heres my attempt, its my first ever vid, so dont expect miracles with the editing. :$ If any would like to upload it elsewhere please do, i can never get the tv.isg.si to work. Oh and turn the bass up, the song sounds so much better with a bit of bass. Hope you like it. eengoedidee.nl
  10. Hehe, i can see a competition coming along Best home-made brake pad, post pics to me, winner wins a set of the new Rimjam's to test and free powerpad backings so they can make more of the winning pad. Pads will be judged on looks, craftmanship, and source of material used. Performance will be hard to judge from a pic. What you think?
  11. OOoo, i think i might have a go this time, i attempted last times competition, but my camera decided to delete all the footage bofore i got it to the computer.
  12. Go on www.dafont.com and pic a font you like and use that. You can even sample online by typing in what you want like 'Newark bike trials'
  13. I have many Schumachers, but heres one of my Schumacher Mi2 EC i get the 'team edition' because im sponsored Sorry its a bit dirty, thats how it came back from the championship i was at, at the weekend, we were racing indoors on carpet which leaves the cars very dusty. And heres an old pic of a body shell i used to ahve on it. I wont the concours (Best bodyshell)
  14. There only prototypes, basically they are RIMJAM green pads moulded into new powerpad backings.
  15. They will be soon i believe, Todge has a big pile of them in his workshops. They just need finishing off.
  16. Me and Ben might come along, and Olly, i might have a pressie for you.
  17. I was going to say it is to do with you disk as you and me both run rear disks, but then you said it has been like it for 4 years. When i first put my disk on, i had it set really sensitive, and it was rubbing slightly, as soon as i stop peadling, the wheel would stop spinning the the rear end would instanly drop down, as soon as i stopped the disk rubbing and made more movement in my lever it stopped doin it, and i could lift the bike up and gap properly. I think its to do with you needing to have the backwheel spinning in the air to gap or lift the rear end high. Not sure if that helps.
  18. wally

    Zoo Python DD

    http://www.trials-forum.co.uk/forum/index....md=si&img=13438 Here it is now with Hope Mono Trials disks. :) Much better.
  19. wally


    Oh baby! The colours, looks nice does that. :)
  20. When i bought it, it had a yellow stripe around it instead of the ususal white stripe, thats all i know, i dont think it is the newest larger one.
  21. Zoo Python DD-Hope Mono Trial. Rides lovely now, just need to spray the bracket. Hehe COMMENTS
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