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Everything posted by wally

  1. wally

    Rimjam Pads

    Why would i want to sell something the same as hundreds of other people are making? I have many standard backings stitting here, i also have the moulds to make the pads but they look just like any other pad on the market. Rimjam has always, and will always make brake pads different from the rest of the competition, and very reasonable prices, its what we do. With the V3's we have got the compound perfect, we just need to tweak the backings (Which we are now doing) to sort out the problems that have appeared. The V4's will be hopefully be on test next week with our riders, and once i am happy with them, they will be back on sale. Chris.
  2. wally

    Rimjam Pads

    This problem only came apparent to me the week before last. As soon as we found out we stopped selling them, we have not sold any since and neither has Tarty. We found that the alloy backings we deforming after heavy use, and basically the more they were used, the more the prongs would deform letting the pads move from side to side and therefore resting on the piston and eventually snapping it. The problem is being resolved, we are currently changing to a different metal compound and thickening up the backing in places to generally add strength. I would like to appologise for any inconvenience and i will update you all on any progress. Chris.
  3. wally

    Pad Reviews

    Thanks for the Rimjam V3 pads reviews im glad to see they are working well for everyone. Im currently working on a few slight amendments to the backings, they should be back in stock at Tarty Bikes within the next week . Chris@rimjam
  4. I looked on exhibitors list for the bike show and i couldnt see any trials specific shops. Does anyone know of any that will be there? Last time i went back in 05 there was select bikes, x-street, mark anthony, Koxx uk etc.
  5. Coool, im still waiting for ben wiggins to let me know if he is comming with me.
  6. See you all tomoz at 11 at the station yep?
  7. So whos deffo riding monday? I will be there, im trying to get some of the peterborough boys to come.
  8. Im hopefully gona come monday, just gotta find someone to bring hehe.
  9. I dont think Jon can make Saturday, so i think its gotta be Monday.
  10. Haha ye i said benny and ben will have to fight over who gets the last spot on the bike rack. Norwich on Sunday would be cool
  11. So is anyone up for riding norwich this weekend? whens best, friday, saturday, sunday, monday? Jon Con when can you ride and do you wanna lift?
  12. I would like to ride Norwich, its been ages. I cant this sunday, but next saturday or sunday i can that will be the 7-8 april. I could be JonC too.
  13. Its for sale in the cleanbikes nearly new section. Yes it is a 221 Ti, its last years model
  14. wally


    Ha ha i did do the drop, its not photoshopped at all. As for v-brakes, i havent looked into it yet if there is enough interest i will however.
  15. Bringing the lady are we Joe? I will be there with Em.
  16. wally


    Thanks for the replies so far! Im really happy that everyone likes the new website JT the new V3 red compound is a lot hard that the old red compound. However i do have a selection of other compounds that im testing at the moment, one is very soft and similar to the old red compound.
  17. wally


    Once you have worn the pads out, send them back to us along with £10 and we will give you a brand new set
  18. wally


    Evening everyone, Its been a while in the making and put on hold many times due to the brake pads, but the new Rimjam website is now online, ive made the whole website myself in Dreamweaver and photoshop and im quite happy with it i was after a clean, simple and easy to use website. I would like to know people's thoughts on it and if there is anything you would add or change. Especially Simon hehe. Anyway here it is RIMJAM.com Thanks, Chris@rimjam
  19. They normally take a little while to bed in, they seem to get better and better the more you use them.
  20. They where the very first pads from last year i take it? we were having problems with our server and email system last year. Email me again on rimjam@gmail.com and we can have a chat about your pads
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