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Everything posted by wally

  1. Very quick on the comments tonight! Cheers boys. Love you Joe.
  2. Just finished putting together my video from Koxx Days 2008, the filming was all done on one day, due to the weather. Ridings not massive either because i suck as natural, anyway hope you like it. Trials-Forum Video -> Full View • Download • Upload
  3. Looks very nice! is that the one you were riding at the weekend? I saw you in the pizza express take away on Saturday night in France!
  4. Thanks for the comments! Yeah a lof of those clips are from Loughborough.
  5. Just made a quick little vid from some left over summer 2007 clips. Ridings not massive just clearing some room on my computer. Trials-Forum Video -> Full View • Download • Upload
  6. Sorted now its on the website ha.
  7. Dont mean to sound silly but im leaving tomoz night/early Friday and i dont know the location/address, anyone know what i should put in my sat nav?
  8. Ahh you've nicked the song for my next vid haha. I will have to use the next track on the album now with the lyrics, anyway cool little vid.
  9. Trials-Forum Video -> Full View • Download • Upload 2006 baby! have been a few years before that just never got round to making a vid.
  10. Hmm yeah i wasnt sure if it was possible or not. I bet there must be a little downloadable programme some where that can recognise what it being typed and then correct it.
  11. Right i need some help from you computer wizzes for a practical joke. I know that in Microsoft Word you can set desired words to auto correct once typed. For example, you set cat to change to dog every time it is written. My question is can this be done for the whole computer through its settings, so that it works when they are typing on msn or even on the internet? I hope it makes sense!
  12. Possibly Cov on Saturday. Todge can i park at yours? Havent rode cov in ages.
  13. 1. Michael Singleton 2. Max 3. Matt Burrows 4. Tim Stedman 5. Jamie Neal 6. Joe "Mwaate" Baxter 7. Chris Bingley 8. Keiron Donnally 9. Karl Donnally 10. Joe "Gonna make sweet love to joe baxter" Maher 11.MrKOXX..(dave) 12. Dan Shaw 13. Dave Kerr 14. Matt Everett 15. Will Arnold 16. Charles Fried 17. Sam Oliver 18. Tom Oliver 19. Ben Savage 20. stan shaw 21. Wobbly 22. Ali C 23. Adam ( bloomin londoner) 24. Martin bretorious 25. Chris Walker 26. Jack Carthy 27. Waynio 28. james porter 29. adam bessell 30. joe maher 31. jack meek 32. nick goddard. 33. Joe Oakley 34. Danny butler 34.5 . Dave butler 35. Chris Vibert 36. Chris Walford 37. John Congreeve
  14. I will be there, was a right laugh last time. Brick...........hooouuusee!
  15. Is it still best to park near mcdonalds?
  16. Ye we i will be there with ben pole, can we have someones mobile number so we can ring when we get there.
  17. If i can find someone to bring with me i might come along, havent ridden clee in ages! Billocks better be out.
  18. wally

    School Exclusion

    In yr10 I borrowed a selection of brand new bunsen burners from school, all new and shiney with brand new orange pipes on them. I sold them on ebay, they never got returned to school.
  19. Was a sweet ride, had a real laugh. Nice pics Karl, that gap i did looks quite big on there!
  20. The badass singing looks like Sam Holmes, marry him.
  21. Very nice! Just looks so light, bouncy and ridable if you get what i mean.
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