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Trials Newbie

Trials Newbie (1/9)



  1. Yeah, good point. People seem to finally be figuring how how to make a 24 BMX that doesn't ride like a cruiser. The new cruiser coming from Tribute looks pretty interesting in this regard with its 14" chainstays.
  2. No worries. It can cause unnecessary confusion. My screen name is Dustin on two other cycling forums, and on both of those a guy came along and chose the name -Dustin. Got kind of annoying as I was constantly getting PMs sent to me intended for him, which I think he eventually figured out and changed his name to dashDustin instead.
  3. Sorry. D_man has been my name on MTBR for 12 years, but didn't realize it had been taken here. Fixed it. thanks also to everyone else for the thoughtful replies. People are much more helpful here than the main US-based trials forum, where the main sport seems to be taking the piss out of anyone who asks an honest question, all the while wondering why trials remains a niche sport.
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