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Kavan Smith

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Trials Newbie

Trials Newbie (1/9)



  1. I have been looking for some time now for a street trials 24" bike. I found this on ebay and was wandering if it is a good bike for the price. He has said I can have it for £175, but I wanna know for sure as its a 90 mile drive to collect so I dont want to drive that for nothing. http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/Onza-zoot-trials-bike-/121887085117?hash=item1c6109523d:g:fz8AAOSwL7VWrCKD Just let me know what you think Thanks.
  2. Hey guys So I want to start trials, but my issue is that I cant seem to find a bike in my price range I have £350 (could maybe stretch to £400) and I want a more streety bike that has 24inch wheels (Ik inspired bikes are out of the price range) If anyone knows of a good beginner bike then please let me know Thanks
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