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87Monty last won the day on August 24 2016

87Monty had the most liked content!

About 87Monty

  • Birthday 01/29/1985

Contact Methods

  • Website URL
    http://Smedulf pirkelsen on fb

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  • County (UK Only)
  • Bike Ridden
  • Quick Spec
    1987 monty trial
  • Country
    Norway, Kingdom of

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  • Interests
    Car mechanic, American V8 , old opel ,rc cars, trial bile, street blades, skateboard.

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Trials Monkey

Trials Monkey (2/9)



  1. Here we go again, another new track we build, have working on a curve this last days, need that curve to handle the speed we get down from the rockpart we made aswell, got a lot of speed there.. This track is much longer but only the pics i have for now. The track ia made most from cutting machine but some places we benchcut and make stonewall curves aswell. This track is made for speed,pump and flow.
  2. Here we go again, looked for the old x-lite tires with yellow white sidewall from monty, but only found but new hydra (i think) tire with white line around, so ofcourse i need to try it, but now im done, i promise.. love the retro tires,soft and cool. The eagle claw is also on in front aswell. Have also replaced freewheel and bottombracket bearings with new.
  3. Have moved in to a new apartment 9km away from the other home. But missed my bikes so had to bring them inside for now, crappy weather outside,hope to ride again someday.
  4. cool, where did you buy that bike? this is the new 218 and 220 frame i read about..hope they sell frames with 110mm dropouts for 105hubs
  5. Time for some soft downhill tracks aswell. found me an old walkup "road" people use long time ago. got some cleaning around and cutting bushes.
  6. Some last pics before i sold it to a 15yr old kid, enstalled new grips aswell.
  7. Can,t only have enduro bike in the collection, needed a downhiller too. fixed it up and fresh it up after iv got it. installed new stem and carbon handlebar on the endurobike aswell.
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