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Everything posted by JonMack

  1. Funny you say that, another member of the forum thought the exact same thing when I was talking to them on MSN earlier. At school all I used to listen to was Rap, Busta Rhymes, Mobb Deep, MOP, etc. etc. I thought Tim Westwood was amazing, then I got to College and got introduced to The Mars Volta, Radiohead, Muse, groups like that, and just loved it, now my playlist is a mix of hip hop, emo, punk, rock, alternative, acoustic stuff, indie, classical, etc. etc. I just appreciate music a lot now, I might only be 17 but I always listen to music, wherever I am, wherever I go, If I'm at home ive got music on through headphones or my speakers, no-matter what the time is, as soon as I wake up I put music on, when I go to College, or skating, or out, I take my iPod, so I can listen to stuff, I rely on music so much now, I love it, I couldnt live without it, but I rely on downloaded music way too much, I own about 5 CDs, which is discraceful as I have nearly 1500 songs now, I think when I get older and get a job, etc. etc. I will be out spending all my money on CD's and Vinyl even though MP3s/ digital music will be the future. I will leave you with... "Enter the river below..." Shows how much my musical tastes have changed in 18 months or so :wub: .
  2. How can u say that with an avatar like that!!! With yer trackie on!!! :wub: :-
  3. JonMack

    24" Wheels

    I forgot about this little puppy... http://www.trials-forum.co.uk/forum/index....showtopic=30829
  4. Nope, but its a good idea for a present, just a nice funny DVD that you can watch together.
  5. DodgeBall on DVD, thats what I've got my sister for her 21st birthday!
  6. Nah I dunno what it was called either, I started liking them when Adam bought out that vid of Gilles and Giacomo riding in the UK, using the song "Faint" I think. Then Tim Rodriguez bought out the vid using "Cure for the Itch" so I downloaded the discography 'cause I liked what I heard.
  7. JonMack

    24" Wheels

    Ah yeah, Sun DoubleWide, give the sidewalls a grind and thats a 46mm (I think) wide rim.
  8. I like Linkin Park :"> guess thats shown here with my tres random playlist!
  9. JonMack

    24" Wheels

    I think you can now get Tioga disc rims, when you give them a grind they become a very very nice rim (apparently), also AtomLab (Y) and there are some BMX rims you could go for, but I'll let someone with a brain direct you somewhere :( .
  10. Ooooh Kanye West! Aint got shit on The Mars Voltas new album though :( .
  11. http://jonmack.users.digital-crocus.com/ploads/playlist.html
  12. Thats the one! What do you think of the album?
  13. Probably 'cause you are stupid :("
  14. Why didnt you give it a chance? http://www.anticon.com/sole-saltoneverything.mp3 http://www.anticon.com/sage_crackpipes.mp3 Download and listen!!!!!!!!!!!! (Y)
  15. The Try-All hub is fixed, for front freewheel use, the Profile is a freewheel hub, so if you get the try-all hub the chances are you will need new cranks/bash unless you run Tensiles.
  16. Might have to try Limewire / Kazaa or something, but try http://www.anticon.com/audiovideo.htm and download the songs by Sole, and Sage Francis.
  17. Also there is a difference between Hip-hop and rap IMO They are rappers, thats commercial rap, hip hop is artists like Sole, Slug, Sage Francis, Dose One, Alias (the artists I posted). Danny I know you posted "You Win" but if you listened to "Makeshift Patriot" by Sage Francis, you will realise its not all about guns, ho's and bling. EDIT: What is a rith?
  18. Edd and I were laughing at Fletch being highly wrong. Oxy-Acetaline is the stuff to use (Y) .
  19. Hehehe. Well done, and yeah Edd, mine too (Y) .
  20. Oxy-Acetaline is the gas(es) that you need to use.
  21. http://www.passport.net Register it then do the steps in the emails they send you (Y) .
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