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Everything posted by JonMack

  1. Worked for me for over a year, and quick_spider bought it off me and I guess it works ok for him :unsure: .
  2. Seb you need to report it. Its illegal :unsure: .
  3. Mine is called XL for obvious reasons.
  4. JonMack

    Appeal Bands

    Because if you give £x to charity then maybe you feel as if you havn't given anything cos you don't have anything to show for it. So if you can give £1 and get a fancy elastic band to go round your wrist then it might make you feel better about giving your money away. People might think that theyve given £x away for no reason but a band shows that youre also getting something from the charity. Like I said I wear it becuase I respect the charity, not because its fashionable. So... which wrist do you wear it on? I've heard that the left wrist is most cool (Y)" EDIT: Was aimed at SexyMarks post :lol: .
  5. JonMack

    Appeal Bands

    I have a Livestrong one which my mum got for me off a friend of hers at her work, he bought a box from America and sold them at school to raise money for the charity. I also have one that says UNITE and some other stuff on it (in another language), which is suposedly a Tsunami one, but my sister bought it and doesnt wear it so I thought I would, I wear the livestrong one because I recognise the charity I am supporting and the money is going to a good cause, not to look cool. It's rediculous how this has become what it is, with everyone wearing them just to look cool. The only other ones I would wear are the Racism in football one, Make Poverty Historry, the Radio 1 Anti-Bullying one (as I was bullied for 11 years at school) and the Breast Cancer one. But then If I had all them people would be like oh look at you trying to fit in, they dont realise that I personally would wear them to support the people who suffer poverty, bullying, or racism. But I can't be bothered to go and buy them because of the persona built around them these days.
  6. JonMack


    Talking of how Onza are a better known company... Yaabaa is just a part of Koxx... like Try-All... isn't it?
  7. Just a little addition... My sister is 21, her boyfriend is 19 in May, they've been together since Boxing Day 2002, he lives with us and my parents here, and I can't ever see them breaking up. P.S. Nick... Get with the bus hotty.
  8. I'm just like you Matt, but thats not just relationships, its Women, can't live with em can't live with em (Y) :o . But yeah if you spend a fair bit of time with her just get to know her become close mates and stuff, if a relationship feels right then do it, if friendship feels good then stick with that. But speak to her about how you feel and see how she feels about everything too, thats probably best.
  9. JonMack

    Anagram Topic

    Sams is deoxyribonucleic acid
  10. Nick, you're 18/19 arn't you? So surely you had to take a risk with your GF about personalitys changing and stuff? So I mean if your gf is the same age as you which I assume she is, then your personalitys were both changing at the same time, and you became you and she/he( :o ) became her/him, and it worked out for you guys. I mean if Matt gets with this girl, then he could well have an influence on her, which means she will become closer to him and shit like that... you get me?
  11. Out of 3 girls i've ever gone out with two have been two school years younger than me. I've never found it a problem and nor have any of my mates. I felt like a dick when I used to wait outside her school and shit and felt like a real ass, but then she would come out and it was all good cos I was just happy to be with her. I say, if it feels good, then go for it. You might as well and if your mates call you a peedo or anything just say that at least you are happy. Its swings and roundabouts really :o . To be honest Matt, I would say go for it. Age is only a number. EDIT: Haha Si, 3 replys for me :">
  12. I got some Adidas SuperMods (like SuperStars but a bit more glittery) , some Duffs Gamblers, and some Reebok BasketBall shoes (Official NBA ones :o ), a Mars egg, and there is another egg in the lounge waiting to be opened. EDIT: I opened it, it's a mini egg one :S
  13. JonMack


    I said how Mike cracks me up, then posted a letter of complaint he wrote, which also made me laugh.
  14. Do you really think he would be stupid enough to ride his bike as if he didnt have a bicycle strapped to his back? I'm 100% certain he would ride a lot more careully and not act like a dick. I'm pretty sure he is a "real life motorcyclist" and I just think you are being a knob.
  15. Good idea Mike, have a wank and then spray it!
  16. JonMack


    Hahaha Mike you crack me up! So does this...
  17. JonMack

    Anagram Topic

    "if you set your brake up properly with some decent pads you wouldnt need any tar"
  18. I dunno where this is coming from but its pretty petty. Most questions on this forum could be sorted with a PM to Adam, but hey, who cares. Just stop being a dick.
  19. JonMack

    Site Change

    "This site is best viewed in 1280 x 1024!" You should have it so its viewable in 1024x768 as that is what the majority people use. Apart from that it looks ok.
  20. A friend of mine lives in Gooch Way :ermm:"
  21. 'cause Callum f**ked it up.
  22. Last downloaded: STD - Through Being Cool STD - Can't Slow Down Can't remember the third.
  23. I was implying something else but that will do.
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