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Everything posted by JonMack

  1. To be honest, its the fact that youre saying something which is a completely rediculous statement, the chances of you having a 3 Gigabit connection is about 45 million to one and the fact youre getting it for free is even more ludicrous as Alexx pointed out it costs around $6 million a year to have a connection which is almost as fast as NTL's central server bank, so thats why people don't believe you, because its such a rediculous thing to say. If you could prove it I think people would shut up. But as you cant prove it, you are getting flamed.
  2. It's usually best to give up when you've been proven wrong by multiple people. PS... *hands Ben 'best comment ever' award*
  3. <p><i>Copyright 2005 Jon MacKinnon | Brushes courtesy of <a href="http://www.rebel-heart.net/brushes/" target="_blank">Miss M.</a></i></p><p>This site is optimized for <a href="http://www.apple.com/safari/" target="_blank"><b>Safari</b></a> and <a href="http://www.mozilla.org/products/firefox/" target="_blank"><b>FireFox</b></a>.We strongly advise against the use of <b>Internet Explorer</b> while viewing this site as it may not display properly using it.</p> Erm...
  4. Basically I've just created an online journal, using a readily available CMS which I then modified the code so it was a set of DIVs instead of a tabled layout, then made a custom style sheet for use on my site. It looks good but it could always work better, I was just wondering if many people know any good sites for inspiration, and/or tutorials (CSS) I know quite a bit but I want to brush up my skills for some fun reason :blink: . I often look at http://www.hicksdesign.co.uk and admire the way Jon (Hicks) has made the site (Incase anyone was wondering who Jon Hicks is, he designed the FireFox logo). I was wondering if anyone else had any good sites made using CSS which I could use for inspiration for new layouts for my site. Thanks, Jon
  5. http://www.griffintechnology.com/software/...ware_itrip.html
  6. http://www.trials-forum.co.uk/forum/index....ic=48616&st=400 Boring.
  7. JonMack

    Oil, Jeans

    So much for "I'm not coming on the forum for a week :) . Um try swarfega to get the stain out :S
  8. My tooth just got an absys in it and it hurt like hell, and so I went to the dentist and got it drilled out, and had to keep going back every couple of weeks, and also like you, after the first time he drilled it out after that there was a puss swelling above the tooth so my dad stuck a needle in it and popped it, then i had to keep squeezing puss out every couple of hours for the next few days! How FUN!!!!
  9. 956.8MB AFI-AD7 AshtonHawyes Dancing Through Sunday Do The Gooon Again Do The Gooon Edd Chris engageclothin2 Fat Jabba Glasseye Get3 Glasseye Guernsey Glasseye James Hand Grenades Island Style Mikecrashing nightride oat pee - school Somebody told me Spaceman Contrazt VCD Years Ago Thats all mine :ermm:
  10. If you have the instructions, you will see that all you need is a folder full of special MP3s for the iTrip, if you need this folder I'll zip it and email it to you =) . Jon.
  11. JonMack

    Cold Callers

    When they ask for Mr. xxx or Mrs. xxx just say yeah I'll just get them for you, then put the phone in a drawer for an hour or so until they go.
  12. Well, I'm just being me to be honest, some people see me as a tool, other people see me as a nice enough guy. I don't mind what you think of me, just as long as you are honest.
  13. Ooooooh shit... I didnt realise Jon was on M-A-D too... When do they release a 24" steel bike :lol: .
  14. JonMack

    2005 Tmag

    Its due to the reach. People rarely take that into consideration, but they really should.
  15. Ok cheers Tic. Congratultions though guys :lol:
  16. That would be Rob Poyser at a guess.
  17. Coudlnt Benito turned around and done it from his natural side?
  18. Oh ok, thanks for clearing that up :lol: .
  19. Ah ok, I was under the impression Ashleys was a prototype frame they made that was so short that they gave it to him to ride 'cause no one else was small enough to.
  20. It's probably cos your so fat. Joke. Nah thats shit, you shouldnt expect that from any tube what so ever, unless its a tube of smarties or something. Try a moped tube, theyre thick as f**k. Or cut along the middle of a tube, and cut the valve out, so its like an extra protector thingy, kikda like this... ((())) The black is the tyre, the blue is the old tube, cut along the middle, then the red is the original tube. I dunno. Maybe lose weight?
  21. I was gonna post one of those but didnt know what it was called (Y) .
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