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Everything posted by JonMack

  1. I really like this one... and aren't actually all that bad (Y)
  2. f**king hell its a K in an oval, call the lawyers guys we have a court case.
  3. JonMack

    My Bike

    I would say just get some new pads, and a booster, then just ride it.
  4. I think it looks pretty nice to be honest!
  5. Thats nice... I'm looking for inspiration for my graphics portfolio sites, and most of the trials sites I go on are shit, design wise, except the odd few.
  6. make no mistake that these villains always get the girl My latest MSN name.
  7. So... why did it take three people to point out that OnZa tested a similar rim surface? Matt told us this and then just over 3 hours later someone else decided to as well, any reason?
  8. Or just allow HTML in sigs so we could just do a simple styled div, I'd be more than happy with that.
  9. I suppose people mainly want sig images to show individuality on a larger scale than avatars.
  10. I think if its possible to implement a system in which you can choose to have them turned on or off then they should be allowed, but only 500x100 max width/height. EDIT: Sam, you can turn sigs off in your preferences (Y) .
  11. JonMack

    2005 Tmag

    I noticed in the pics Jay has a bit of rubber around the seat stay where it would seem to rub...
  12. JonMack

    What To Do

    Keep the bike, I wish I had kept mine, I sold it in the summer and there have been times when I've been bored at home and just wish I could have gone out and f**ked around on my bike for a while.
  13. Or just really shit lighting from the photographic studio. EDIT: Bike looks bloody nice mind!!
  14. How old are you? 17 What made you join Trials-Forum? I was looking for a good forum based around trials within the UK and this one seemed perfect Are you, or have you been a member of another Internet forum? Which one? What made you join? Yes I am a member of lots of other forums, such as www.spymac.com www.graphic-forums.net , etc I joined those because I am interested in Macs, and Graphics How often do you use Internet forums? Daily Do you use forums specifically for getting answers to questions and discussing relevant topics, or do you use them to chat to friends as well (chit chat)? I use them to chat to friends as well Have you found yourself sat in front of an Internet forum for more than an hour, sifting through posts just to keep yourself entertained? Yes, I often spend an entire day on this forum Have you ever had an Internet forum as a homepage? Yes Have you ever had anal sex? No As a member of an Internet forum, do you feel like you belong to some sort of community? Yes Define the word community in your own words A group of people who all visit / live in the same place Do you feel you are a part of a community? (not trials forum) Yes, at college
  15. http://fat-pie.com/love.htm f**king ace cartoon!
  16. JonMack


    Ride it! Its only about 11 miles I think, with all your camping gear!! Wicked :P
  17. JonMack

    Ali C's New Trimx

    Did you read any of the comments at all?
  18. http://www.distroy.com/ Just some t-shirt site I was just on after seeing the banner on here.
  19. The only "Moderator" that has replied in this thread is Danny, the Administrator, the rest are SMs. That link only prooves that the server has a 300GB bandwidth...
  20. Here's my clan tartan... http://www.lindaclifford.com/MacKinnon.html Can see it here too http://www.scotsconnection.com/uploads/htm...artan_605_1.htm and http://www.scotlandshop.net/designertartan...oderntartan.php or http://houseoftartan.co.uk/scottish/dir2.a...77&subsecid=392
  21. she probably cooked pancakes for your breakfast A conversation with a friend of mine from America on AIM, she went offline so I copied what I was going to say and then pressed enter to send it just incase she had gone invisible. Turns out she had gone invisible
  22. Doesnt Ian Drummond (I think thats his name) ride for DB, and has been riding for them for about.... ages?
  23. JonMack

    Msn Hackers

    Are you sure its not one of your friends or someone else in your house? If you've set your MSN to sign in automatically at a friends house by mistake then they could be fooling around with it, or if youve got brothers or sisters and its set to sign in automatically then they might be messing around with it... Just a suggestion
  24. e.d.potts-03@student.lboro.ac. How boring...
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