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Everything posted by JonMack

  1. JonMack


    That ad rocks!!!! I <15-12 it!!!!
  2. So you took out the original link which was http://www.togs.org/J&J.htm to post one of the stories that is on the site anyway? Good post (Y)
  3. I advise you edit your post to take out the serial, this forum doesnt tollerate piracy.
  4. Thats not what Janet and John stories are about. They have sexual innuendo's in them.
  5. JonMack


    Or Xanga too, 'cos thats the cool thing to do. ...and i dont have either... *runs to sign up for a LJ*
  6. Its a kind of sideways wheel swap thing.
  7. JonMack


    I'm well aware its in Beta testing, ive had my account about 8 months.
  8. JonMack

    New Site

    No it wasnt, but then again I wouldnt have posted it on a forum saying look at my new site.
  9. JonMack

    New Site

    Nah its just shit....
  10. JonMack


    I just chose my photo to upload, then press upload, and it goes into my thingy...
  11. JonMack


    A pita bread with fake ham in it (wafer thin stuff)
  12. Hence why skinny "emo" kids with long hair, and tight jeans and zip up hoodys with died black hair will get picked on more than youre average "normal" kid. because they look different. I dont care that your school is sexist to be honest, live with it >_< .
  13. He's 16 this year according to his profile >_<
  14. JonMack


    Isn't is just completely fantastic >_<
  15. Is the circle with the line through it this... ΓΈ ? If so that means the diameter of the circle. It would seem to indicate the lens fits camera threads from 30mm to 49.2mm
  16. JonMack


    I take it you havnt noticed the fact they've upgraded to at least 2gb now. http://gmail.google.com/gmail/help/about.html =)
  17. JonMack


    Just wondering if anyone else has myspace apart from Bongo, Boon, Carl from WYTrials, Mod661 and some random guy whos sig I just clicked on. (EDIT: Turns out it was waki, I thought it was...) Mine is at www.myspace.com/jonsterm >_< Feel free to add me...
  18. JonMack


    Released last week?! Its been out over a year!
  19. JonMack

    Text Talk?

    I hardly use 'txt talk' at all to be honest. Sometimes on MSN I will use U, N, and 2moz, but thats about it, and theyre hardly hard to read, here's an extract of a conversation im in at the moment... as you can see, I'm not too bad.
  20. Just thought I would post a Happy Birthday message for Bongo. Congrats matey, have a good ride tonight :- :D" :D Jon.
  21. Get your monitors colours re-calibrated!! :P :-
  22. Add more content to it and that will make it a hell of a lot better.
  23. It's OK, nothing special really. It lacks content and complexity and its really really small just looks kinda... just like every other site made by a kid who has learnt how to use custom brushes, lens flare and slicing. I don't like it.
  24. Checkout ma nu spoileeeeeer m8 innat! Aww an ma phat ex-orsts make ma engin sound well fast m8 innat i cud beet an evo or a scooby any day m8!! Its lyke... bout 25 timez as fast as escort rs turbo n they is lyke... fastest car in da wurld m8.
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