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Everything posted by JonMack

  1. JonMack


    But that doesnt matter too much. I find if i come up short on a gap then the wheel would get pushed forwards towards the seat tube, the chain tugs stop this from happening as they are pulling backwards on the wheel. If you dropped the bike onto the back wheel from holding it vertical, then it gets pushed towards the seat tube again, the chair tugs stop this. The chain tugs allow the chain to be set kind of tight, so the wheel cant fall out the bike backwards because the chain is pulling it towards the seat tube, again. The only way I can see them "failing" is if you have them completely undone, you come short on a gap, the wheel gets pushed forwards, and the chain slips off, the wheel then bounces back and out of the dropout, but still, the tyre wouldnt fit through the brakes, so it can't fall out. So saying is a lie.
  2. JonMack


    My chain tugs on my BMX have nuts on them. I would have thought you could get allen bolts just as tight as nuts anyway. Its not exactly a hard concept, the twisting of a tool in a clockwise motion until you cant twist it anymore.
  3. JonMack


    Where did you get that theory from :) .
  4. http://www.shellen.com/jason/archives/2004...899273456066735 Have a look at that. iEx, TopDesk and WinPlosion are the 3 windows equivalents of Exposé
  5. Yeah its called Exposé I think there is a windows alternative but I'm not sure, its usually set as F9, F10 and F11 on macs, but yeah, hot corners are customizable :lol:.
  6. I own a Mac and i've no idea what youre talking about, wanna describe it a bit better?
  7. No, he pronounces the letter "u" though. Just because you say should of when you talk, doesn't make it right.
  8. So... its not an Echo...
  9. JonMack


    Sadly my computers resolution isnt set at 638x497 so I cant use it, damn.
  10. Should have, if we're being picky.
  11. On http://www.whoshouldyouvotefor.com/ I got Lib Dem, so I voted "Not old enough to vote - Lib Dem"
  12. This is my last text I think (Y) I want to talk to you! James was asking who i was and if i knew you had a girl friend. I told him it was me and he said "Yeah, never! Shut up" about me, and that a two month relationship is long for you. Would you be able to ring me? I love you *kiss* EDIT: A wz wy 2 fkin slo thr m8!
  13. (Y) Fair enough, I think I'm gonna get a tablet soon, what would you recommend? A Wacom Intuos 3?
  14. She spelt lose wrong :P . Either that or you did (Y)
  15. Basically Adobe bought Macromedia for $3.4 billion Dreamweaver will be kept, as its better than GoLive Freehand will be dropped, as Illustrator is a stronger program IMO Flash will be developed better. Fireworks will be dropped as Photoshop is Industry Standard InDesign had no competition from Macromedia anyway so that will be kept the same. Adobe have just bought pretty much the only competition they had in the design software market which IMO is a good thing because it will lead to stronger development of applications. Adobe has a workforce of over 4000 over the world and Macromedia had about 1420 or something like that. From my POV as a Graphic Design student, its a good thing, as the song goes "Things can only get better" *awaits Adobe CS2 arrival when I get around to ordering it*
  16. "Oh yeah, that f**king cock loser wanker tit f**king ass clown iPod Dave (Tom Brierley Gore) forgot to come into college today with my mobile and my f**king digital camera. What a f**king dick eating ass munching inbred cock licking pussy dodging gay boy." Online journal - section of a post i wanted to show my friend.
  17. The ol' wheelbase rules all is coming into play here. It's the reach that matters most IMO, not the WB.
  18. Alexx's school would win hands down.
  19. JonMack


    I'll do it now :)
  20. JonMack


    I actually often use <2+1 :">
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