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Everything posted by JonMack

  1. Damn that first bike has got some sweet featers. I would say that Megamo is worth about four fifty to five hundred notes. I sold my Megamo frame for £165, Burns for £75 so thats £240, add the rest of the spec and thats another couple o' hunnet. £450 would be fair IMO.
  2. Well if you find a way to fix them then that would be cool, but dont go out of your way to do it.
  3. Yeah it did save them Its a shame you cant implement them... I'm gonna miss em... *cries*
  4. I've noticed a lack of the little minimise buttons on the forum listing. I liked those because I dont read NMC so I could turn it off, and I always read Chit-Chat first so I had the Member Forums minimized too. I just wondered where those little buttons had gone. Thanks, Jon
  5. Hehehe. Heatsink new logo uses a font called Björk? Same as Trialsworks used to use I think.
  6. Oh dear... You must be joking, or are you not intelligent enough to realise he was joking? The biat looks awesome, congratulations are in order for making something as amazing as that. :P
  7. It looks fine to us, because unless you take an actual photo of the monitor, we cant see what youre talking about. The monitor is f**ked. End of story.
  8. Thats similiar to what is in Safari on OS X, if you think you have spelt a word wrong you just control+click / right click on it, and it pops up with a list of corrections. Oh and OS X has an Oxford English Dictionary built in too.
  9. A wannabe what...? So I should get off the forum because I dont ride trials? Then so should all the other members who dont ride.
  10. http://www.trials-forum.co.uk/index.php?&act=Stats I thought you only posted 13 times a day. Oh no wait that is you average. I used to post around 50 times a day sometimes, when tf was good and busy, now its just shit and full of losers. Lets be honest, who gives a crap if he is annoying, its only a fxcking forum after all.
  11. Awesome, so even if you get voted out in the first week, you still wont post for a further 7. Sounds fxcking great! Why do you find it necessary to post crappy loser posts all the time?
  12. Logging out would have been the polite thing to do.
  13. Caustic Soda + Water + Rubber Gloves + Anodized Aluminium + Slight Scrubbing = Non Anodized Aluminium.
  14. JonMack

    New Shoes?

    oh my god they look as if they would work well. oh my god oh my god oh my god. oh my god. EDIT: oh my god
  15. Photoshop, Dreamweaver, and a lot of time :S .
  16. Yeah I piss in the shower all the time, whats the problem, you might as well. It just saves on... Meh, I do it for the kicks.
  17. Here is the childish bit...: If youre a coach driver how are you affording these 'good' cars? Also, how does you owning a GPS in your coach, and your dad owning a GPS in his lorry, add up to 3?
  18. I f**king love that. (Y) Andy is one of the best mod street riders in the country and when you first saw him you just thought he was some pikey, excellent. EDIT: That sounds really harsh, like oh you dick you didnt know who he was kinda thing, but it actually made me laugh and I posted this as a jokey post... just incase you didnt get it at first.
  19. I'm skinny and I'm not a veggie...
  20. Adobe Photoshop SubEthaEdit (a plain text editor with syntax colouring) Thats all I need.
  21. http://tuaw.com/ How boring. From a conversation with dick face, I mean, Ben J. :- :)
  22. JonMack


    Oh shush you :) I dont know how it happened but a few times while i was on my BMX my wheel got pushed forwards when jumping shit, leading to lose chain syndrome.
  23. Is your friend a "rocker"? I would give him loadsa stick, saying stuff like, so you been Moshin recently. Yes I'm sad.
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