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Everything posted by JonMack

  1. Just thought this would be cool, can also share techniques and stuff. Anyway I'll post mine, and then other people can do theirs too. Nikon D50 Nikon 18-55mm Kit Lens Nikon 55-200mm Kit Lens Sigma 18-50mm f/2.8 - my main lens Manfrotto Tripod, not sure what model, cost £70 Sigma EF-500 DG Super Flash Just bought, but not yet recieved 2x Jessops Centon FG105D Flash's to be used as strobes Buying in the next week or two Nikon 10.5mm f/2.8 Fisheye Two or three mini tripods, for my flash's Ebay Wireless Flash kit, with 3 recievers Flash Bracket for my EF-500 when I'm using my wireless kit Student loan on Monday ;] heh cant wait to get my fisheye!! Thats about it for now, so now its everyone elses turn! I'm expecting a list from here to hell and back from Mr. Maher haha, posh b*****d! Looking forward to seeing what everyone else uses! -Jon
  2. JonMack

    The Green Wing

    the special was f**king amazing!!
  3. That place looks sick. I'll sign it now, even though I hate bmxers in small skateparks
  4. JonMack

    The Green Wing

    Go on then, who's your favourite character?
  5. I assume you got it, but all you have to do is turn your camera on, hold down enter, and rotate the thumb wheel til the display on the top says RAW. Thats why it says QUAL just above the enter key. Also works with ISO and W/B
  6. The gallery is just a flash script which I downloaded. I'll add you to MSN now mate, glad you like the site!
  7. Hahah amazing. Nice one Ben. I'm gonna stop biting my nails I think, and get a...job, and ride more, and make more and more and more new years resolutions for me to break!
  8. You have to be an old school member to remember him *ahem* Joined: 07/11/2002, member number 38. That was the first day the forum re-opened after the numerous server crashes. Old school enough? Anyway this was just supposed to be a joke, I know it's not really him. I just thought it would be funny, as his stories were always so elaborate and far fetched.
  9. http://peterwright.blogspot.com/2006/09/go...s-now-left.html
  10. I'll have a look about getting it working in Opera and i'll sort out that Firefox problem too. Glad you like it though guys. I should be getting a flash for christmas so i'll start taking some more varied band shots, the whole long exposure thing is really over done, the only reason i do it is because my on camera flash sucks and the venues round here are really badly lit!
  11. Earliest you'll get it is weds, id say thurs or fri would be your best bet though.
  12. Gallows - Orchestra Of Wolves Thursday - A City By The Light Divided & Full COllapse Soul Position - Things Go Better With Rj & Al Comeback Kid - Turn It Around Theres 5 for you there :]
  13. http://www.myspace.com/jonsterm http://www.myspace.com/clickdeath
  14. Gallows - Rolling With The Punches off the album, obviously.
  15. JonMack


    Any reason why you think that?
  16. I've seen Metric twice, first time we hung out with them after the show for about an hour, second time during the last song (dead disco) i grabbed emilys ass and she turned around and spat on me, then the roadie started on me and security kicked me outta the venue. As you can probably tell, they didnt recognise us. Gallows are f**king amazing, Frank during live shows is completely f**king mental. Seen them twice, was supposed to see them a third time but they didnt show up. My housemates band 33 are playing with them in London next week though. New Converge album is awesome. Recently i've just been listening to Kosheen, Milencolin, Gallows, Cunninlynguists, Glue, Soul Position, Comeback Kid, Champion. I went and saw Enter Shikari last month, it was ok. Theyre just a band for the kids though. Once the whole "emo/screamo" thing has passed no one will be into them. It's insulting to the hardcore scene to call them a hardcore band. Most hardcore bands write songs about personal experiences in life. Plus calling hardcore a current genre is a lie too. Hardcore has been around way longer than "emo" or "screamo" and the fans are some of the most dedicated and down to earth people i've ever met, Frank from Gallows for example, the first time I saw them I was just stood outside the venue chatting to him about shit for about half an hour. I couldnt imagine doing the same thing with Rou, he's an arrogant ugly willy.
  17. Just thought i'd whack this up here for some creative criticism. http://www.clickdeath.co.uk Been properly into photography since about May of this year, well that's when I got my camera, so just over 6 months. I might put a background on there, might not, havnt decided yet... Let me know what you think, thanks guys! Oh yeah, I know it doesnt show the bottom of the lower link bit when you're running 1024x768, which is the flickr link and the link to the flash scripts website, which is why they're also on the left hand nav. But as I'm designing all my sites on my 15" MacBook Pro and my 20" iMac G5, they generally look ok at my screens native resolutions. Jon Mack
  18. Find out if there is a leak, and if there is one, fix it. Then rebleed with maggie oil, or if you prefer water then mix a bit of anti-freeze in with it too. That should sort you out for the winter.
  19. http://www.onestop-digital.com/catalog/pro...products_id=169 Marks Lens ^ I bought my last lens from there, and theyre cheap, and fast shipping.
  20. signed, i love that place, even though i suck!
  21. Love the simplicity of that, looks well nice man.
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