Not to be a party pooper but your going to need a lot of legal work as technically you are buying a £150k house but your also doing your partner out of a £150k inheritance, and to say if you was to break up she has now lost that money as you have now leveraged her £150k with a mortgage? just something to bare in mind.
Yeah Cash buys are always straight forward well unless you have a less than clear path of where the cash came from.
R.E estate agents being a thing of the past I would agree i lump them in with travel agents.
Hang on in there... your not even at the most frustrating part yet which is waiting for solicitors to do the checks/searches... at that point your patience will be tested!
are you looking for a forever home or just a step on the market?
It was built by standard byke co. Known for their bmx frames, Chris is pals with the mongoose bmx team manager and got them to build it for him. Though geometry wasn’t correct went on one trip on it before binning off.
I have a question, has Danny quit inspired as he has a completely blacked out frame, he makes no mention inspired when he tags his sponsors on his pics and he only mentions Santa Cruz on his instagram bio?