Fancy the chance to win a pair of Limited Edition Magura HS33 brakes in orange?
If you do, then you need get artistic and attempt to draw a member of staff here at TartyBikes. You can either draw it by hand, on paint, with paint or whichever way you like. You can even get all "Blue Peter" and make something out of cereal boxes if you like. Artistic merit will be awarded, but inventive, interesting and funny efforts are just as good! Bonus points for anyone who involves orange related stuff in their picture
Once you've created your master piece, post a picture of it here in this topic and the three best efforts will each win a pair of Magura brakes and goodies.
The deadline for the competition is the 31st March.
Here is a very quick one of Gavin apparently holding an orange, drawn by Ali C.
Looking forward to seeing the entries.
Good luck!