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Stan Shaw

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Everything posted by Stan Shaw

  1. Im liking most of the stuff, and fair play to Deng for doing it all anyway. I dont think theres much point, but it does give a shitload of choice, and people will be able to build some crazy looking bikes. Quite like the new cranks hes done, and some other bits. He should of done some 04 Maggie lever blades Stan.
  2. Some good riding in there, and big ups! I thought the video was abit repetitive though, and the songs werent to my taste. Helmets?
  3. Nice video Ben, some big lines in there. Loving the Japslap hook thing on the Notts wall. Cool tune aswell. Stan.
  4. Haha, thats ace! Adam filmed it all, hes pretty handy at filming natural. Thanks for the feedback!
  5. Yeah I had too much footage, and i kinda liked that song for that video and didnt want to a 2nd song as it might make it abit long and drawn out. Thanks for the comment though and all the others too
  6. New video, all natural riding but quite "fast paced" in places, so abit different to typical natural videos, i think anyway. Riding from mainly me and then Ben later in the video. 5mins 30 - 68meg Filename is "TartyBikes - Stan_Ben" http://tv.isg.si/site/?q=filebrowser/Stantrials Let me know what you think Cheers, Stan.
  7. Cool video, some effortless riding as usual from Thomas! Stan.
  8. Qaulity vid Joe Top riding and good editing! Loving the pallet throwing at the end Looking forward to next un!
  9. I suggest you buy some proper bars, for your own future safety!
  10. Really nice pics! Best trials pictures ive seen in a long time Nice one Nick.
  11. Very sweet pics indeed! I wana see the Backcowm ones now
  12. Ride somewhere decent and i'll join you Preston docks is boooooooooooooring.
  13. Some big moves! all smooth too. Not keen on the streaming though or the qaulity of the video. As if you have indoor natural to ride Also the other places looked ace for riding!
  14. Was a really good trial i thought. Sections were about right and marked out well. The tyre in the streety section was poo! My first lap was shocking lol - 23 dabs! second lap was 13 dabs and the final lap i cleaned everything apart from the poo street section. I like the UCI format alot more than BIU. Was good meeting some new faces too, and also seeing other people too. Bring on round 2. Stan.
  15. Video is cool, was fun to watch Some nice riding and editing was decent. The indoor pallet place looked fun! Stan.
  16. Plaz pads There really bright when new. Removed the pin which usually sits on the back of the hanger then i can get more chain wrap and the tensioner tucks neatly under the chainstay. Hope get a video boshed together next week. Stan.
  17. Sweet pictures Dave Definatly improving!
  18. Nice mess about bike, looks like an old school trials bike
  19. Makes so much sense! Very worthwhile reading.
  20. Any idea when the results are being posted on the net?
  21. Very cool Mike and different.
  22. I know Tartybikes have 1 or 2 sets http://tartybikes.co.uk/product.php?id=283
  23. Porthcawl and bristol have got to be on the list! If its possible to get Hook woods on, then that would be ace. Whats Brighton like to ride? I think we should have 2 natural places this year too and then say 3 street locations?
  24. I enjoyed the comp, Kelly Farm is a good place to ride. Was good meeting up with everyone too. Only problems i thought were the red route was a tad easy in places, i think the top 5 in red finished under 20 dabs. Im not saying make it stupidly hard though just i think there should of been a couple of harder sections for red route. Oh and well done Ali C for coming 3rd in Masters
  25. Yeah this should be a good weekend will get entry in asap, hopefully book a campsite too.
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