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Stan Shaw

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Everything posted by Stan Shaw

  1. Nice write up Ali Also I'm glad Mike wrote a letter in reply to the mong who complained about the Cycle Show. Stan.
  2. Loving the hop picture, looks like he is flying.
  3. Yeah was a really good day! Did lots of new lines and theres so much cool stuff to ride in the woods! I didnt mind the wind, we stopped at Addingham on the way and that was reeeeeeeally windy, so Shipley was nice compared. Must of been about 40+ riders? Was very cool and weird seeing so many riders. Stan.
  4. Tried get the camera moving alot more when filming and i think it worked, gives the video abit more flow. Adam can bunnyhop btw He just likes bashing into things. Appreciate the feedback!
  5. New video from me and Adam. Its a mix of street and streety rocks. Pretty chilled out i think. Just over 4mins - 60mb. Hope you like and comments are welcome. Filename is "Tartybikes - Stan&Adam" http://tv.isg.si/site/filebrowser/trialsalot2 Ta, Stan
  6. Some good stuff there Kyle, seemed to have settled into riding mod nicely
  7. Yeah, including Adam destroying a helmet, what a basher! Video up sooon.
  8. Yeah some really nice pictures! Tis grippy as feck that place in the rain and theres lots of lines to go at. Loving the big rolling gap. Need to sort a ride out with you Danny
  9. Yeah nice steve! Looks alot better than the Zoo. Silver front rim, like Tom said
  10. Thats the first Zoo ive ever seen that looks nice and that probably rides ok too. Nice one Chris!
  11. There was alot of people there, i was suprised! I was the other basher on the Mbk btw
  12. Yeah was good stuff! Was good seeing new people and catching up with you Bigman
  13. Yeah good to see the dates being posted nice and early Looking forward to it! Bring on black route Oh yeah if the date around Koxx Days is possible to move, that would be very cool (for the people who are going to Koxx Days anyway). Stan.
  14. Could try using a Dremel to speed it up? Also i think the monty rims aren't as wide as the Try-all.
  15. What a beast! So much power and balance. Great lines and some amazing stuff to ride by the looks of it. Stan.
  16. Loved it, reminds me of a place near us. Liked the tune too You got white rims on the pure now?
  17. Awesome stuff, hes got a good style with a mix of everything.
  18. Yeah, reckon it will be grippy enough? Could go to Blackstone? Either will do me
  19. Yeah it was fun, alot of people turned up and i also met some new people which was cool. Didnt ride amazing lol, but i got a few lines im happy with.
  20. Not too bad, least its different. Quite like the colour too :$ Although the graphics are poo.
  21. Lmao! Basher. Enjoyed the video! Music worked well i thought and kept you watching, preferred the edited half of the video. Nice one Ali Stan.
  22. Not a clue who he is, but that bike in his avatar is random lol, so that will do for me
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