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Shub_Step last won the day on October 22 2016

Shub_Step had the most liked content!

About Shub_Step

  • Birthday 03/17/1988

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  • Quick Spec
    Inspired arcade . Hope hubs, spank spike chrom rims. Saint brakes
  • Country
    France, French Republic

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  • Gender
  • Interests
    Bike. Drawing. Guitar
  • Location
    In a French volcano

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Shub_Step's Achievements

Trials Dude

Trials Dude (3/9)



  1. Manny rails gap to Manny 180... well. You won here Vasha!
  2. Great accuracy G! Got a short sesh :
  3. So good! I thought he already was in the team since the beginning Haha! Ace lines
  4. Broke Saint m820 caliper on a fakie gap.(After 2 years bashing them). Though I don't go BIG, so I can understand why pros would avoid them. Broke Magura levers aswell (few rides) learning nose stuff. Yes, good customer service. Got it replaced. But I would prefer a stronger lever. I can't trust them anymore. As a basher, I can tell those saint m820 levers are very strong and I still have mines since almost 4 years. (One lost spring pretty early) So I tried Shimagura. Saint M820 lever on mt4 caliper. It's been 7 months without any issue. It has great power and sweet modulation. No leaks. No air bubbles. Works perfect to me.
  5. I liked it a lot! Great pictures too. Adam is improving too. I like his way to see things
  6. Because I am heavy and slow
  7. Clips are sketchy as hell but I am still happy with them because it was really short time filming. So nothing impressive here beside the italian monuments !
  8. I like the idea! Will try !
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