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  1. Just set to with a hack saw and hope for the best
  2. I've seen some people use the crewkerz fork with abnormal hub, not sure how they managed it though
  3. cleep2

    Clean carbon

    Okay thanks,, this with the magura on or disc?
  4. Anybody had any of the clean carbon 20" forks? If so what were they like and how strong are they?
  5. I had a pair of the 20" one for over a year and are still going strong
  6. I basically want to run a Hashtagg lever or trialtech lever with the magura caliper
  7. Is it possible to run a magura mt7 calliper with a normal magura brake lever?
  8. I know that jack Carthy and other leading riders use 165mm cranks, apparently it makes the pedals stroke faster therefore more responsive and better on technical
  9. Thanks for the help, guessing if the lever felt solid it would mean that the brake would not be as powerful as there is less leverage?
  10. Was just wondering if anyone has any idea if it's possible to bleed up a Magura mt7 caliper on to a racingline lever or any other Magura hs33 orientated lever for that matter? Thanks , Will
  11. Yeah I know where, I'm near market weighton
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