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Everything posted by Hobnobs

  1. Hobnobs


    Arsenal didn't play badly, but henry was really disappointing. Couple of times he just looked as though he couldn't be bothered! Admittedly there was no-one else is the same half of the pitch wearing yellow. Wouldve been nice for arsenal to win, ah well, world cup here we come.
  2. Gotta love the first pic, just cos its in good old hastings!
  3. A certain someone is currently in talks about distributing to the UK. Prices look higher than echo, but it depends on import duty.
  4. Anything which involves using the keyboard counts as a chore.
  5. Yeah, that always frustrates me. On every other program theres a nice simple tool, but photoshop you have to change stuff, why!?
  6. This was measured at around 47" with a real tape measure! Obviously i didnt make it that time, but managed to just about get it once!
  7. Both. The 06 was the long one too. I would buy one if i could afford to have one bike for sidehops and one for everything else
  8. Is that the new Monty's? Or they crappy yellow lined ones.
  9. I liked the feel of the pythons, but only for gaps and sidehops. The rest of the time it felt like a mission to ride it, but at the time i wasnt particularly tall.
  10. Monty's? Apparently they are better grip wise than they creepy's. Not sure about wear rate.
  11. Tis all sorted i beleive, Monty are sending over a new brake because it was them who supplied the bike with european brake set up.
  12. haha, you say they like they are some sort of tribal cult who are just learning what electricity is
  13. From what ive seen, people tend to buy parts, rather than bikes. But its much easier to try and sell it as a bike as you dont have to worry about not selling parts.
  14. We have exactly the same problem. Sometimes it happens every 15 mins, sometimes only once a day. I think BT just suck. I just reset my wireless router and it fixes it. I heard it was BT upgrading their stuff or something, but i reckon theres a guy having a bit of a laugh just randomly switching it on and off
  15. If you want a lever im pretty sure i can get them, so don't order a shimano one unless you would prefer that anyway.
  16. Completely disagree with above. Im 5' 11" and i didnt even notice the length. Its prolly all about the set up though, and if you buy a full bike, it will have a bar and stem which suit it.
  17. Assuming hes been running it upside down and its not completely screwed, then it must be closed. I think itll be ok once bedded in. Edit: according to magura.com the louise is open, so thats not gunna do it any good.
  18. Does it feel wank, or work wank? If it just doesnt work, is it bedded in and all that crap?
  19. I would be interested in giving parts for the raffle, or money to spend with BTC. Email me if you wanna talk details
  20. I find wavey rotors work best, and still look pretty funkay.
  21. Yeah, at least use your foot
  22. Stop being a wimp and tighten the bolts properly. Kings have massive fat bolts, which can take some serious beef. Mine never slip, and thats with no tensioners. Or get fresh tensioners, work well according to guyeth my riding buddy.
  23. Downtube looks a tiny bit thin, photshopped methinks also. Or perhaps not, it looks as if it should be real, but the front end is so weird.
  24. Few hours/days. Just tighten it before every ride, and when it seems to be getting loose. Just get a screw driver, kneel on the non-drive side, poke said screwdriver into the holes on the innerside of the freewheel and turn anti clockwise. If you need leverage, use the seat tube as a pivot.
  25. Monty Pr - £150 posted, leaves you £100 in the bank, and a lovely frame in the hand. None in uk shops at the mo though, so if your in a rush perhaps the aorta or echo lite would be good.
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