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Everything posted by STEVE-0

  1. Nice vid! Some lovely moves there, espicially liking the bumps Good Work
  2. Hahaha...cheers boon i was gonna ask about that Nice one! Looking forward to a full vid soon and good luck with the new wheel... Steeeve tune is reel big fish i think...
  3. Agreed! The footage goes back a while so maybe they have been planning it...cool to see marc vinco for a change Moves do look at the highest level will be interesting to see the actual content of the video.
  4. STEVE-0

    Bmx Video

    That was awesome! Loving every trick in their especially the last 1 with tailwhip to manual to tailwhip Nice find! Steeeve
  5. Cheers ad (gay-afro-hair) Yea ill be there mate! Should be a good comp with the weather, nice and local as well See you there Steeeve
  6. You killed it! That paint job looks soo nice and you stipped in to have crappy orange rim tape Sort your self out lad...should be ashamed! Steeeve
  7. Probably still limey mate but 2007.... Stan shaws limey...before he went pink :bow:
  8. Was...she has so much control although maybe not huge moves green trousers Steeeve
  9. Site is rubbish...i like the look of that simatra though, ive never heard of them, on the other hand v-brake mounts Nice colour though
  10. STEVE-0

    Adam Bessell Spank

    Haha! PAIN...looked so stupid as well, kinda just looped out and fell staight on to your arse. Loving the evidence... Steeeve
  11. STEVE-0

    A Tom E Vid

    haha that was poor...quality sucked, some nice riding although i could hardly make it out Back brake looked nonexistent at times Steeeve
  12. Well nice riding in there...looks like a good selection of good mod riders ride there. Going big and loving it! Didnt like all the slow motion and greyscale editing (just too much of it) i liked the ending though! Nice stacks as well, nearly forgot! Steeeve
  13. Yeah nice video although i prefered some of the older ones...seemed like there was a bit too much going on if you know what a mean. I didnt think it flowed that great maybe because the soundtrack wasnt completely suited to the riding. Shame we have seen the footage of lewis as well already. Nice stuff in there nevertheless Steeeve
  14. Nice vid! Liked the start and end...good way to structure a video! I didnt think you had the MBK that long? Lovely bikes in that vid though.... Steeeve
  15. Haha nice video, i like the new bike chai but i dont want them bads . VIZ! Quality was good, i like the new camera...big vid wanted! Steeeve
  16. Not Bad Not Bad...reminds me of that confidence barrier when you start going for drop gaps and rails its a good time...i liked the front to backs from wheelies Steeeve
  17. STEVE-0

    Oooh, A Teaser.

    Nice trailer...the fingers say it all Steeeve
  18. Yeah! Looked like you lot had a right laugh! It's what its all about! Huge drop at 2.18 Nice stacks...first one looked well bad though but where a helmet (and cut hair ) Steeeve
  19. Indeed...he was good, too good!
  20. STEVE-0

    Keita Video

    That was quality...that bike looked crap but he rode it so well and smooth with lots of nice streety lines. You can see how he has evolved! Great video I want to see the 'NEXT VID'!! Steve
  21. Gears but with no cable so kinda single speed...but you needs gears for like the BIU championships etc so i keep them on.
  22. Id rather do it without the 'kRReeaa K!'....on topic - wheeling is fine I think i need my tyres pumped up more when i do it cause i squidge into the wall as my fork flexes etc
  23. See TRA's article...a have a copy here Steve
  24. Looks exactly the same as the caisso to me...but uglyier the pink and blue definetly do not go, im afraid the pink on goes with silver, if that Steve
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