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Everything posted by STEVE-0

  1. What phone are you using, fairly impressed with the quality ....all the beeping was quite annoying though
  2. Phatmike loves his! They're more an old skool type of frame i.e. shorter, lower bb. Flicky and great for bunnyhops.
  3. Overkill chain lol....other than that looks pretty sweet!
  4. Matt! That video is absolutely animal, never seen it before....dude I want to see more of this riding from you!
  5. Completely unique! Although your videos are not always to my taste they are consistently entertaining to watch....
  6. Can't imagine jewelery being that popular or profitable, wouldnt you want it in silver? Saying that, the dominoes are bloody expensive to manufacture hence the £100 price tag. Although they probably cost £40 then you consider mark-ups debehams will be using....not making much out of it.
  7. Hi Guys, My bro has started a little CNCed business: here Wanted to see what you guys thought as I personally think they're awesome, he's got loads of other ideas if they become popular too.... Also, has anyone seen anything like this elsewhere because I believe its unique. On sale in debenhams and via the website. Cheers, Steve-o x
  8. Who's the guy on the 20"? Absolute animal...that sidehop to back wheel
  9. Hey mate, where abouts do you live, im round the corner from that spot...
  10. Mr. Rankin has spoke of involvement already.... So we put forward: Steve Rogers and James Butcher (Toby Chippett for special reserve )
  11. Jack you need the local team! Consisting of myself and either Rankin, Butcha or Chippett. We'll show you bigguns how to rip at barrow Name: "The Boom Team!" Steve-o x
  12. Enjoyed that! Chilled and some cool lines, good effort!
  13. Powerhouse, one of my favourite mod riders but still by far his coolest vid is on the monty bouncing around! Love that!
  14. STEVE-0

    Benito Ros 2011

    Benito with the Nasri snood, amazing....yet another animal video of benito, the size of some of those pipes is just silly!
  15. STEVE-0

    The Knut

    I disagree. Knut is going absolutely massive and IMO becoming a clone of TRA himself but I would never describe either of their riding as controlled! More appropriate use would of the word would be with the name Stan Shaw Gap at the end is unbelievable!
  16. I wouldn't change a thing! Looks awesome espically the red hoses, nice job!
  17. STEVE-0

    Benito Ros

    Immense! Glad to see the clips of benito 1st attempts.....just shows, even at his level it can take a great deal of effort to get stuff and takes a lot of determination. Great watch!
  18. STEVE-0

    Bogdan Campean

    Great watch! Anyone know the song, love that little riff!
  19. Love this guy, has such a cool style.... I thought he was ripping on the 24 and the 20, infact slightly more inclined to the 20. The sidehops and up's to front were absolutely mega! Anyone know what frame is the 20"? Pretty sure the 24 is a because frame so 20 probably is too.... Steve-o
  20. That frame might be one of the coolest things koxx will ever make....she's a beaut!
  21. Nice, still super light! Say someone comes to you and asks for exactly that bike....what would it set them back??? Steve-o
  22. STEVE-0

    Winter Video

    Didn't like the intro or the other parts that went on for ages....whole video felt quite slow to me. Although, I thought the music went well and liked the little animated title at the very end was quite cool. Steve-o
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