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Clerictgm mk2

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Clerictgm mk2 last won the day on October 14 2014

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    brakeless street-crimes
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    Bearkilling, trialsriding.
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  1. Schoolboy say it in my face and you'll eat your teeth. You are retarded, this is truth. Your argument is invalid. Other pics are from UK.
  2. Mark you're not just stupid, you are retarded if you can't into 1st grade maths.
  3. I know, but I don't think they do it in USA and in the best place to do it. So it's not so expensive.
  4. Schoolboy level of argument. I can find thousands of similar pics about UK. This means nothing.
  5. So idiotic and stereotyped shiт, lol. We live better than most of brits. When I realized how bad most of brits living (has no own real estate, driving cars that costs 2000 EUR and less, lol). Come here and you'll see how "bad and poor" we are living. Also when I was in Stockholm last year I noticed that there are almost no luxury cars on the streets. In the capital of Sweden, lol. In my city (1 million population) you just won't find a piece of land without some at least 30'000 GBP worth cars. And remember that UK is not a sovereign country. UKs ass is belong to USA.
  6. So what? Only idiots think that steel is a rip-off. How the kek material may be a rip-off? Geo? Only HA. Maybe. The main problem is that prices are crazy high on this steel frames (Inspireds/Ozonys/any other). Seen BlackJack? It would be selling just for for 185 gbp. And the quality are the same (made in Taiwan). Inspired has pretty much competitors right now: 4 frames from Ozonys: Styl, Smith, Iron, King of Dunce 2014. 1 from CrazyBike 1 from OMEN (it's not a rip-off, it feels completely different and looks great, brutal and oldschool and I'm saying all this despite of I don't like it's geo and sold my OMEN after 2 weeks of riding it) 2 from Because 1 from SAW 1 from this strange stupid brand I even don't remember name of, TCS or someting (that Leo Nobile rides). 2 from CZAR And 2 from ONZA Marino Archive and any custom frames from him. And maybe some other nondescript stuff. At least Ozonys Iron, Crazybike BlackJack, OMEN (and maybe latest Marinos, not sure about'em) has same quality as Inspireds. So competition logically must reduce prices on the market. About pricing: Console, Arcade and Iron(most of all) are 100% overpriced. Yep, it's absolutely normal in terms of economics, because Inspireds are like BMW/MB cars, part of the price you are paying just for brand, not for quality, good geo and other important characteristics. For example 1xx x1 series of BMW - cars are total poor crap but they costs really much for the crap, because they has this BMW icon on the bonnet. I'm not whining, just saying that steel frameset that costs 500-600 GBP? This is ridiculous! Look at the MTB Street market and you'll get it all instantly. So remember that partly you're paying just for Inspired label. I anyway don't see an alternative for myself and ride Inspired frames, because I like them, no matter how much they will cost. Only one bad thing I may say about Inspired: why we have half of a warranty period? Make WorldWide warranty or something? Why when I buy Inspired stuff I have a warranty like on chineese Because parts? About Ozonys - because of them: You can't just do some really cool color and think that you're on the top like an Inspired and put a crazy pricetag, that is higher than Arcade's one. Arcade are better in all ways than Iron. Yep, Iron is a good frame too, lots of improvement since Styl, but it's not so good to cost 900 EUR. I though that Iron would cost no more than 650 EUR.
  7. You can't even live like a man :/ kek.
  8. You want reliable freewheel? Here's the picture of one:
  9. This freewheels are chineese shit anyway. On top level frameset they've put cheap poor parts, this is freakin funny. Give it ti me and I'll destroy it in less than a 6 months. Yes I've ridden skye and even had an idea to buy it in 2013 but it feels like bike for kids or dwarfs with this ultra-short steerer tube(I don't get it, what an idiot decided to cut steerer tube on complete bikes? This is a reason I never buy a complete from Inspired). Even the fact that BB is +10 doesn't fix this. I don't want to ride anything lower than uncut 235mm steerer tube and 70x35 stem with Arcade bars (that feels ~10mm higher than TT HR). Skye with cut steerer tube feels crazy lower and with this Inspired 9x9deg. low bars and with this hope 70x25 low stem make me feel like a giant that stole a kid's bike. I don't want to say that skye has bad geo, geo is good, but I can ride it only with 235mm steerer tube + 70x35 + Arcade bars. Mark, you cannot into maths, do you? Fourplay 2013: 665mm reach Skye mk1: 655mm reach + CUT STEERER FEKKIN TUUUUBBBBE (I use 40mm of stackers, Skye only 15mm!) 70x35 stem is 8mm lower than hope 70x25 Inspired bars mk1 (9x9 deg 88 total rise) are 15mm lower than TT HR and ~ 24mm lower than Arcade bars. Now My setup is 90x35 + Arcade + 40mm spacers and this is even more higher Total difference is: 25mm on spacers + 24mm on stems (70x25 vs 90x35) + ~24mm bars difference (if it has 10x10 new TT HR like bars it would be not 24 but only ~10mm) and maybe something on reach, but there are no info about stack and height of the frame + BB height. So 49-63mm that are freaking 4.9-6.3cm difference (considering Skye has lower BB) CAN YOU IMAGINE WITH YOUR BRAIN THAT THIS IS CRAZY DIFFERENCE? I personally can feel 2-3mm change in bars height.
  10. What I also want to say, that things isitagox whining about are pretty normal in "world of customs". For example there is legendary engineer/welder in Saints Petersburg - Pinigin, that made stuff from "AMG"(Al+Mg) and titanium and parts he's made are ultra strong and reliable. But you need to wait for a week to simple response sometimes!
  11. Skye has so homeless poor cur spec, I wouldn't even touch this bike. Avid cannot into brakes. Freewheels(especially this cheap one) cannot into reliability, riding and dangerous for your health. So If I was you I'll pick fourplay. They (4play and skye) has not so much difference in reliability. But if you 100% want sky or/and not a giant do like JJ Leigh - build skye with custom good spec. And for some reasons my vote is for Skye, looks great, and has a really nice and strong hanger (I ride multispeed). But at the same time Skye is unrideable for me with skye forks, due to short steerer tube, I need at least 235mm, Inspired Arcade bars and The Great Tower of Stackers especially with shorter reach, that skye has.
  12. LuuuuL. Marino has geo mismatches or not? Why the KEKK one half of TF says that he has mismatches and another half says that he's frames has perfect geo? You're right, but Rolls-Royce's not made in Peru from water pipes and costs truckload of money. By the way I have a time to wait for new frameset but I don't want to get Marino for some reason. At the same time I want some cool frameset but y current frameset is pretty cool, but I'm afraid to brake a frame, it's now the oldest part of my bike.
  13. Making a frame isn't so hard. You can do it by yourself if your hands grows not from your arse. If you find some good welder you can build some Inspired-like quality frame. For example: About Marino, this is pretty funny how isitafox whining. Custom frame is custom, you need to wait, even for reply sometimes. If you don't want to wait and have a better alternative - why are you whining? Just don't order anything from him. And why my friend not whining about half-a-year waiting for his Rolls-Royce?
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