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Everything posted by Caleb

  1. Also if you do take your story to the paper with this topic it might be an idea to get your screen name changed to a more presentable one as that would be (discriminated upon) perhaps perceiving you as a chav? :-"
  2. Also could you make an adapter to take it down an inch to 24" instead of 26"? Id love that :-"
  3. Nice kinda looks like a shelby but a very very very very very very fast version :D
  4. Ah sorry about that i guess were talking about the same person though :D"
  5. I dont understand why people like him havent been validated and some real tossers just have been :D
  6. Caleb

    cranks 002.jpg

    From the album: booster

  7. Caleb

    cranks 001.jpg

    From the album: booster

  8. Caleb


    http://www.trials-forum.co.uk/forum/index....showtopic=53282 Could anyone explain whats happened to this topic has it combined all the for sale and wantedtopics from the new members section on purpose or am missing something?
  9. Does this not just apply to the new members though to stop them signing up, if their just going to use a potentially good oppurtunity on the forum to sell instead of using it correctly. I think members can still post for sale threads in here as it does help the new members get started.
  10. Were they not also meant to be bringing an armoured chainstay protector into production or was that bull shit? Cause would be useful if you think aboout it instead of riping staight throught the polythrene or what ever it is one.
  11. Caleb

    What To Do

    Its like most things, when you quit your job you realise you dont have any regular income anymore and although you can get wasted every friday it doesnt seem as giood as you would think it would be when your working and then you kinda of regret. It would be the same youd see lines and gaps etc you would want to try then never have the chance. Why not have a break theres no reason you actually have to sell your bike is there?
  12. Caleb


    Nah im a serial abuser of limewire and all seems fine on mine, just today downloading half baked, a simpsons and a family guy episode and chapelle show and they all worked fine. Also any songs that i download are fine and thats the only place i get em.
  13. Why you keeping cahnging the prices and specs of your wheels? last post im sure you said £30 for the pair and they had ceramic rims. Now there normal and £15 more? :(
  14. Thata sounds like a great idea and would deffinitely make it easier for people to use this forum. Sounds pretty easy aswell :("
  15. Yeah seems pretty damn good :(
  16. No need for a koxx, you could quite easily get a tpro 4/o5 with headset and bb and a rear wheel for about £100 Then you could ride with the parts from your old frame until they break and upgrade or just buy from the start. Youd probabably get £60 + for the t bird and rear wheel on here knowing how clever :S" some of these new members are :)
  17. Have you noticed any stretching in the chain at all, or is that a stereotypical response from a jealous kmc owner? :S"
  18. Caleb


    From the album: booster

  19. Caleb

    The mechs guv

    From the album: booster

  20. Caleb

    The mechs friend

    From the album: booster

  21. Caleb


    From the album: booster

  22. I have a bikegas hub/wheelbuild and can run a 165 hope rotor just fine, dont know / tried any bigger rotor sizes however. For the profile cassette hub i think there very rare and hard to get hold of however i believe wiggle still stock them.
  23. Caleb

    How Much?

    There just rough minnimum prices you could probably get more for the frame, but chris kings dont seem to be selling to well at the moment im afraid >_<
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