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Everything posted by Caleb

  1. You cant cut a starnut off, in future it might be a better idea to get your parts fitted at a bike shop if your this inexperienced. Just buy a new starnut form your lbs and fit it into your new fork's steerer using the handle of a screwdriver and a hammer otr the correct tool, or even a top cap bolt screwed into the top. Then get it into the correct length make sure its straight and resume work.
  2. Local bike shop, mate, online bike shops, you could even make them :lol:
  3. I dont understand what you mean your explanaton was about as clear as petrol. I believe you may need to cut your steerer, or if yoube already cut it and its too short thats your problem apart from that theyll fit perfectly.
  4. Ring up and cancel the order perhaps or send it back im sure theyd be happy to exchange it for you, just dont rip the packaging and ring up to check first :lol:
  5. Or with this guys story telling skills it is a m. . . . .. :deej:" :) (Y)
  6. Nooooooooooooooo , why did he have to end it there that took me sooo long to read i wonder if you google it you can find the updated version? only one way to find out, i do believe its really could anyone really be arsed spending 3 days on complete bullshit for no actual reason? still glad i read it i suppose just a piss take to leave us hanging (Y)
  7. Ah cheers for the help, so i take it the level is complete when the guy who eats the fish bounces of his fishing rod and goes home yer? If so , stick a fork in me im done :)
  8. You cant really compare them as there both used for different types or riding/riders. Quality wise however i would say there on a par yes :)
  9. Im now stuck, do you need to use all the cannonballs? The blob guyt is in the water above the bomb and the snapped line.the guy at the top just blows him self up? and the water directional guy wont do anything also i cant get anyone to pull the lever to let the fishy down and if i could i wouldnt of let the second cannon go :) Any help would be appreciated (Y)
  10. Lmao her fukin guts hanging out her dress, you know that turns me on :huh:"
  11. Itll probably just be because you have the first frame i hope jay, other than the tpro youd be degrading imo, the new danny butler sig mod is disgusting and the t-pro aint exactly as rare as the t mag, go for the t mag again and it proibably wont go. I wouldntr say your a harsh rider either at all :huh:
  12. I presume he didnt have the choice, and at the end of the day it is the same frame :huh:
  13. yeh nice 1 ill be there. :turned:
  14. Probably because dawg is a tit and thinks hes a moderator, when really with comments like that and mocking the pre members he will probably end up being one again :turned: :S"
  15. Caleb


    Those stars look reaal good imo, my friends dad has crap loads of random tatoos. Like an eye on the back of his head lmao :-" And yes he does get funny looks (Y)
  16. Caleb

    Wavy Discs

    Why not get a nice hope/magura rotor and get it machined down by leeson? i have one on the rear of my dmr and works and looks a charm (Y) Although i dont think it works any better than any others would, i cant see how it would work if someone could explain would be nice :-
  17. Nice one i bet your well pleased, will be like 2 xmas's in a year (Y) So youve nearly got 2 bikes identical now? and did you get your current bike from insuarance, was real nice of the guy to give it bike like aswell :-
  18. Like this one, i loveed it when it was first done my dad did a real good job of spraying it but then the paint starting chipping badly and doesnt quite llok as it should (Y) .
  19. £31 000 too f**king much imo, why should they get an easy life for been easy like sunday morning? fair enough if they had of been raped but they aint and there in anewspaper smiling about it using the taxpayers money to do as the please. It also disgusts me how older men take advantage of girls etc but it obviously didnt happen with these 3, the babies are ugly there ugly and i bet the daddys arent the best apples on the either. And shagging at 12 thats just plain nasty, i didnt know what that meant at 12 :) They could of gone on the pill, its free at some helath care centres and so are condoms, seems stupid why the wouldnt do it, maybe an extreme case of attention seeking? :)"
  20. Its not the fact theres none left no ones buying them its the fact theyve risen by £200 in price >_<"
  21. They all been having a gang bang? they look like there sweating litres
  22. lol i learnt the hard way :( . Would be good if you got like a tapped out grip in conjunction with a tapped bar :("
  23. But when i try tightening mine if i dont use enough torque they slip at the very worst of times :(
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