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Everything posted by Caleb

  1. Caleb

    Team Monkey

    We would all be better riders riders though for sure. Monkey i think you should start trials again, you said you were gonna get one for the summer didnt you anyway? It should be a nice change for you and will keep you off here as much starting monkey clans etc :shifty:
  2. because they are monty :P"
  3. Dont drill them there horrendously weak as they are, just use it and hope it to last a month
  4. Lol eating sausages, i used to have cichlids but they got a bit boring so then got a couple of them ole pirhana fish.lol They were mint and i could recycle my dead fish lol. Ending up eating each ither due to lack of food :rip:. Poor fish, im sure theyll get me back one day ^_^" . I now just have a tank of tropical that are v boring especially my good old foot long plec lol. maybe it would be more lively if i got another pirhana and shoved it in my community tank lol. I also have a birds nest in my back yard with litte starlings in lol , there mint but no touching or there mummy will keaaaaaaaaaaaaal them. Then theres Jerry my greyhound, (can be seen on msn pic for you lucky guys) lol
  5. Caleb

    Yamaha Ty80/175

    Yeah my dad got it throught the local ads and a pretty good deal really considering the few minor changes hell be doind should boost the price and the contriol of the bike. I alwayts liked the idea of my own but dont know the first thing about them and would have liked to start on something smaller. Btw may interest you that "The Munn" on here is selling a yamaha pw 50 may be pretty small but it seems a good price and would be fun (Y)"
  6. I think police force would be a great career, decent pay get a lot of respect and free stuff. Meet loads of people and learn how to handle problems, also finally getting justice on twats etc. I think the police get a lot of unessacary shit and there jobs are kinda ovelooked, theres a lot more paper work than actually patrolling the streets and every time the make an arrest they normally have to do a lengthy right up. Hence why they normally give warnings etc and dont arrest chavs etc also ovelook many burgalaries as normally theres a small chance thell get caught. And there'll have seen that same scene over and over again and will be bored of it. Id defo try and get in the police force but theres a high demmand for jobs around here and you have to be ,like 21 before you can enrole.
  7. Caleb

    Yamaha Ty80/175

    My dad bought me and my bro a ty 175 pretty cheap from the local adds aroungd hallifax which aint to far off hebden right. Think he picked it up for £300 and done it up a bit , i like it but it does seem very powerful and heavy, i know what you mean about mopeds though i had one before the yamaha and it was funny as f**k no need to worry about gears etc and was just use to the two brakes up front due to normal bikes. Felt a lot more confident on the moped but wasnt as suited for dirt jumps as the ty lol. Im gonna try and ride the yamaha more in the summer now as id love to learn to ride one proper. I kinda had a n accident which involveed me the bike and a ditch and that oput me off it for a while due throttle sticking (Y) doh. Im sure if you look in the right ads youll get hold of one reallay easy and cheap as your in motor trials heaven as thats where it all originated from didnt it. Peace out :)"
  8. Caleb

    New Chain?

    Does anyone know who stocks the new chains then? i could really do with one due to runninga ronnie on a t-pro, setting the brake is a tad frustrating , i dont want to change rim or gear ratio or use one odd half link so this seems the only sensible option really. Alans looks like the old one and customriders dont have them at all. Cheers Caleb
  9. There out now :) Ring aire valley
  10. Ill come if not working (Y) :S"
  11. That would be good kind of like the monty urban custom 26" brake mounts but lower down, you could make your own 6/8 bolt booster to stiffen it up a bit aswell. Would look weell unique :turned:
  12. this tells you a fair bit and contact them for more info. However a lot of that info contradicts itself but meh :turned:"
  13. Try all but it wont last as long as either of the other 2 by a long shot.
  14. Caleb

    Mod Cranks

    A bit off topic but is there anyway to avoid gettink chunks out of your ankles from the tensiles? There really starting to piss me off and keep hitting in the same spot. they dont feel sharp but do when they cut into my ankle lol (Y). So can you get middleburns with an 18 t ring? because you can get the cranks in most sizes there smooth, strong have a niice chunky bash and a very good warantee. i wouldnt mind switching to save my legs if possible.
  15. Caleb


    I love my v12's and there on offer at crc atm for around £30. Also the azonic x pedals look and sound great just a tad pricey. Then theres the wellgo mags on supercycles for £13 which will last you a good year or to. V'8s same as the v12 but bearings wont last as many years but for trials in most cases the pins die before the bearings either way. id go for a pair or wellgo v 12's for like £20 very smooth very strong very grippy pretty cheap and light id never go for vps as they look weak and the screws always fall out or the cages get mullered etc.
  16. Caleb

    Dale Kemp Video 1

    Buy that man a belt :S" . Great video looks like some good spots to ride there. Looks like hes using the ashton very well B)
  17. Caleb


    Well there £80on crc good reliable brakes proven to work and replacements are only 1 squid from crc. No worries mon
  18. Caleb


    Ive had my head shaved before, i was called a thug, nazi the works didnt really mind except i looked so different to normal. I just wanna wait till it gets a bit cooler so i dont get sun burnt etc. now that is bad B)
  19. Caleb


    Lol and again B)" . Who cares if you get called a nazi it would make life a lot funnier :S
  20. Caleb


    Lmao monkey are you trying to get the lose or the win into as many posts as possible , haha it cracks me up. I dont mind emos there an easier target for chavs etc than i am so me and my bike will survive longer :) Survival of the fittest i say and with hair like that wont fo you any good in a fight lol. Skin head all the way B) i dont jhowevere have a skin head yet but may do if it cools down a bit :S"
  21. do i not need the xp disc to reformat though? And if i did is there anyway to retrieve my files e.g backing up? Not too sure on how it works :"> . cheers for the help dan for like the 15th time lol.
  22. for stem id go for about 100m reach by 10 deg rise bars as wide as possible and 2.5" rise for risers that is , id gor for an easton Ea 50 stem., and a pair of azonic single wall bars.
  23. Recently been trying to download free games off limewire which was pretty stupid and when i turn my pc on i get a windows warning. something like windows in not running stable please insert xp disc to retain original files etc. Anyway i have no xp disc anymore and cant find the one i did have. Also everytime i turn my pc on i get the spyware installer thing coming up that i cant get rid of and have to reinstall mozilla everytime to get on the t'internet. Sorry if im not to clear on things but any help would be appreciated. Cheers Caleb
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