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Everything posted by Caleb

  1. Yup bumfights (Y) , defo worth the donload there some funny shit on there lol
  2. So is it next wednesday or what, i can go on a friday or saturday with the blackppol lads but part from that . . . . (Y)
  3. i think theres a ride on at morecambe for next satuday so, im pretty sure this is for a fortnights time. shite im on holliday (Y)
  4. Aquabbaies is basiacallky a bull shit term. There just small tropical fish posted up there, minnows etc. Really you need to clean em every 2 months at least and need a heater and filter. get tropicals instead of fan tailed goldfish,they really are boring ive owned many different species and would say cichluids are very nice and you can keep em with catfish :) with tropical theyll react with you and eat in front of you, and are very colourful etc. Cold water just laze about and will lose there novelty very fast. Go tropical it aint expensive at all (Y)
  5. Try and do the method jay said but with like a 12 7 cog as that will (when revesed) give the lockring something to grip to instead of digging into a plastic cassette spacer
  6. Haha speak to pete wright about that one (Y)"
  7. Ooh looks quite good in sheffield i might have to go down cause my mate works there all the time and has his own accomodation so riding and free house and free food (Y)
  8. Caleb


    Brotherly love at its best :) keep it up :o
  9. You could alwayd buy a new deore hub aint they like £13 with spare beasty skewer? or would that be too much hassle having it built? most halfords and lbs will/should have them in though ring first to save yourself a bit of time :huh:
  10. Caleb


    Aint that the older pashley? if so there welded to the frame so you would have to get anew one welded on if yours snapped. if its the mhz the new one then have a look on tarty or select bikes or supercycles and see if they have the correct one (Y)
  11. But if you think about it id say most of the trials riders are on this forum and we have 3000< users right? so say theres about 6k trialsers in the world (just a guess) and say everyother person in the world owns a bike? trials is a very very small sport compared to other aspects of biking right and even though most go for disc i still reckon the small percentage of the bigger biking sports use more maguras than or community. If this was not so wouldnt magura acknowledge our sales and design a magura to suit our needs even better? ive seen shit loads of xc'ers with racelines lol and std maguras, and even jumps bikers. i mean theres 2755 users on ukdirt, 6918 on southern downhill and 35375 on mbuk forum !! i realise some of these users will be the same people but not many. say 10% of the mbukers used maguras which im sure more than that do as discs weaken frames a lot as theres no boosters designed for em, that would be at least 3500 people and thats more than the entire trialsers on our forum. maybe its close but i think they posbbly believe therell have a lot of insuarance claims from trials riders if the brake fails and magura have specified it for trials use? even some carreras came with maguras std in the day, they were really good bikes aswell :P . My pov over anway :P edit 1 : also all of the new maguras ive seen have broken tpa's which are pretty much un repairable unlike the old mags where you could improve the brakes tpa, good advice on the grinding bit janson i may have to try it on my spare :P"
  12. Ah cool would 9.5 mm be ok then i presume as thats the nearest they do to 10. might have to get some of that orange stuff
  13. Yeah the rocket used to sell em for like £209 for the rear or something stupid and supposely they are prone to "exploding " so stear clear. What you want just upo from that page i saw yesterday is one ofthe hope racing hubs :P Screw an eno on and your sorted :P I have one :P"
  14. so is that 10 mm diameter or bore size?
  15. come on people, your forgetting hans no way Rey, he can do one handed wheelies, yes thats 1 handed !!!!!!. Hes a german sex machine on wheels (Y)
  16. Try ringing the shops maybe i know crc were doing em for £80 a pair a few weeks back. The new ones are shit why did they have to downgrade em (Y). And not just for trials there a bad design full stop imo :)
  17. that is lovely matt, could do with a front disc and a little few black extras mech and mounts and booster etc, cept from that its beautiful (Y) What frame is it?
  18. Caleb

    Toxsin Pads

    im pretty sure adam means you will recieve for £20 a pair of toxsin pads(i.e do front and rear) and youd be saving £4 not £2 (Y)" . Seems fair if there anything like my bloxx :), how much materials on them and is there a warantee like the other pad companies?
  19. Just noticed on the heatsink website his honig pads are now £6 just thought id let you all in on a bargain :) Cheers (Y)
  20. Rossi was there last time and matt came (Y)" . yeah so much for the big turnout though only 5 turned up, was till a good laugh and decent ride though (Y)
  21. Caleb

    05 T-mags

    The t mag design is shite, there was no gusset for the bash and the 4 bolt mounts were welded on incorrectly ive heard from 2 owners. If they had thicker tubing or were made from u6 and had the correct gussets etc they would be very nice (Y) But no the design hasnt changed so id stay clear until the zona comes out.
  22. Use the appropriate booster for your frame that will cover the crossover i can guarantee you wopnt have the same problem again.
  23. search trialsman? on ebay its fred savage i believe and he has them for around £60 nickers :D They also do cheap original rb booster ansd plaz pads B) someones on :shifty:"
  24. Yup that movie is f**king immense and the subtitles make it better in some way, also the butterfly effect is reccomended for moi and the godfather collection are great (Y) As said above i could go on all night, oh yer saw is a beast :D
  25. Dirt jumpers weigh a f**king metric tonne btw, i have lighter ripple clamps :D" . Go for marzocchi bams z1- 3 i reccomend them as i have a pair and there doing me well. Or check out the manitou range? even magura did some beefy freeride forks (Y)
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