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Everything posted by Caleb

  1. Lucky b*****d i found one that i could have passed for and was few years older aswell, but then this random girl nicked it off me mate (Y). My freind got onne from thailand that takes the piss, hes apparantly a qualified driver for a fork lift truck, a wagon, boat, military vehicles, cars and cranes lmao. (Y)"
  2. What about an atomx evo? Same geo as a justice but stronger and longer. you liked your old one didnt you could be a possibility anyway and there like £100 new from adam@mersey . . . haha rytme
  3. that was the best riding i have ever seen, you literally floated up everything, makes me ashamed to say im in the smae sport as you its immense. Very imaginative lines an all i would of never dreamt of half of them. Unlucky about your wrist :) drunken accident maybe B)
  4. Correct :) Yeah just look like some unbranded steel ones, you should ahve no problems with em? why do you ask btw~?
  5. Result !!! :( Maguras without mounts Maguras with 4 bolt mounts for an extra tenner ! Hope this helped , thank me later :)"
  6. Let your local halfords know, no doubt it will turn up ther or someone will come in asking how much there worth etc. i would of run out and tried to grab the c**ts or just slashed the tryes if i could. Very unluclky mate hope your bro gets it back in 1 piexce cause if not ehs gona have v high insuarance rates :P
  7. I wouldnt say he was strong though, i know if someone went for me with a skateboard id just try and grab it or put my arms iover my head and kick him in the gonads. over here he definitley wouldnt get away with it, some chavs would probably kick the shit out of him :) . Awaits 2nd video :P"
  8. Ye pinky, as sidehop said it ain't really expensive at all id try ffloggingsome of my spare kit as its good stuff but too much in postage :-. heaters are about £15 filters up to £160 depending on quality and tank anything up to about £600 rrealisticallyon quality again.. Jmaybea wont post a pic of mine it has shit all on a jjewelaaquarium:( iv always wanted one aswell, ddidwonder though how the base units for them supported like a tonne fofwwater ain't they made from cheapish wood? haha the old japanese fighting fish in the same tank :)" only males that is, i remember a real dodgey pet shop in a rough part of blackpool had 3 in the same tank the dumb fanny, was good to watch knowing they werent mine :P" , he treated the fish there fukin horribly however i think he may have been shutn down now :o" also try putting a mirro next to them from outside the tank, thhats always funny. yeah lewis i reckon when you do get bored of the orandas? go for some oscars or a community shoal, they are a lot more colourful and fun to watch, especially oscars they all have pretty wierd personalities and can be tamed to a certain extent fairly easily :- And the best thing of all you can have plecs in with them :( Now they are real fish (N)"
  9. What an arse hole that kid looked , i wish some ghetto thugs would of asked him for a go on his skate board, doubt he would of done it then lol. my mate was in a fight once and got hit over the heaad with the trucks of a board directly on his head ! he was taken to hspital a.s.a.p and lost a shit load of blood :- was f**king disgusting. hint of the day . . . never turn your back in a fight :-
  10. Caleb

    Ffw Users

    Aye it will my bro uses it but im pretty sure it willknock your chainline right out, depending on your set uop that is. Have a check first anyway
  11. Caleb

    My Dead Monty Xlite

    Yer used to be tom e!'s on here then my bro got it off him about 8 months or so ago and learnt on it pretty much but noothing big at all. you must have put it through its paces :- but unlucky about the crack :- could always try monty, woth a phonecall i suppose
  12. Ah nice one ill be fresh riding from 5 an all as thats when i finsih work pnly i only have to travel 6 miles as apose to your 100 :sleeping:" . See you there (Y)
  13. We got homme at quarter to 1 from liverpool :-" , if you dont mind drunken c**ts on the train when your on yout own you fine :sleeping: . yer i see what you mean :-" . id love to come as i aint been in like 6 months but ive got an interview and have work at 5 (Y)
  14. Get a pair of d321s on there and your laughing (Y) looks sex anyway, just that would finish it off in my eyes :sleeping:
  15. Caleb

    my revell

    Yeah would look mint with like a bikeuht seat and easton post or summit but pretty omposiible really. Looks very nice anyway goood choice perhaps you could get a set of gunmetal hope products to match the frame Hows the resar tyre holding its the 60 A yer , i have one and am contemplating whether to run it front or rear due to its hard compound? they still grippy? Cheers
  16. Caleb

    Toxsin 'two'

    I like ir rides very nice and pretty flicky and responsive despite the big wheel base of around 1070 i believe. Adam said it doens feel as controlled ans the number 1 due to been lighter or something and yeah he has his bars back to front because they feel better (Y) I like the top tube, bringing back a bit of the t masterness in every one :sleeping:
  17. Yppu what rich said is provng to be a very succesfull set up i know at least 3 people with that set up already and they do feel good. And the zoo bars have just been cut in price so you should be able to get the pair fo around £60 :sleeping:
  18. Hehehe still got them nick, surprised you havent given em away yet lol :sleeping:"
  19. Its sounds to me more like your chain lines out, have a look down your chain and check that its parallel with itself, and the cog at the front and back, if not you way have to space out your fixed cog , use more wheel spacers on one seed, us echain tugs/ cams, oar get the correct length b and a nice chain e.g shadow conspiracy , khi, kmc cool etc
  20. And if he has 4 bolt mounts? lol Right lucas on your pad you have a rubber part and a plastic part, the plastic part is the backing and the rubber is the material, they are advising you to try and get a thicker backing instead of 2 , try heatsink he may be able to do em or get out the blowtorch etc . . . . .. That way no pad flex and you can still use your mavic etc
  21. You dont want thick pads, you get a shed load of flex in the lever and its a spongey as hell brake as the material on the pad just compresses on its self instead of the hard plastic backing, get a ronnie rom or weld two d521s together (Y), or carryton with the bodge? if there aint out wrong with iut why change it? if you wanna ignore me get the heatsink clear pads they have/had 10 mm of material on, far too much as i found out :sleeping:
  22. ~Lmao unlucky cap, you not getting overtime though? :shifty:"
  23. Yeah i loved it , great weather and a good riding environment, and for once a good turnout :). Those shiesters in the town centre had me laughing :) little c**ts :)
  24. oooh g on then we can have a 3 some picture of tanks :) mines dossy but its whats on the inside that counts :)"
  25. Caleb

    Mod Forks

    Do toxsin do mod forks? could give adam a shout or ashton mod forks look good? then again theres the new team forks (l) or get a cheap pair until you save enough money/ decide? Mini man is selling a pair of hydra disc ones for £15 posted
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