me my brother and my mate have just decorated a gay pride flag with tippex highlighters, leccy tape and drew an exaggerated picture of him and insults to one of our mates who is the biggest moron you could ever meet. we got it in a jiffy bag with his adress on and posted it to his door about an hour ago heh heh, the thing is as theres no post he'll probably open in front of his family as its unexpected and hes a bit of a mummys boy so itll be a bit of a wounder for the branch name. might of got a bit to personal in some areas but he gets it every weekend anyway, gonna get the pics of it on facebook or here if anyone cares but probably not as most of them are personal to him. also saw a group of 12 chavs fighting each other outside the police station haha, so had to stop and watch. just had a nice sesh on a certain website too ending in hub