nah mine was fine, rubeed whei hadnt put the brake on , but once i had the slaves clamped up it was tip top, on a 2.7 minion . . . . You running dis on the back or ground the dmr sidewalls off?> lets see some pics
nah im pretty sure its not a set mate £60 for one £80 for two . . on ebay they fetch a bloody tonne, i reckon you should expect £70 plus as there are some idots on there !
Cheers for all the posotive reply's lads, it really is good fun to ride. just need to get a few things sorted then it will be done. not really too fussed about the colour coding anymore as ive done it once and regret it. i also agree with the more rounder profile tubing look for streety frames looks better, but i didnt want to invest so much money in a frame for that one reason. i like the digger tyre but have only been out on the bike twice so will let you know whens its had a bit of use
its only liek a cheapish bike for messing about, only just built it up. i will be changing the rear tyre as that one weighs the back end down a fair bit! booster works damn well, it does look like nice in real life. what decent 24" tyres are out there for the rear that wont pinch? didnt fancy trusting a moto digger.
yeah looks extremely similar to the dmr tension seeker ? and the surley . . .which failed miserabley. i used to have a fettish for orange parts lol, but soon died out. you not know of any local anodisers etc?
sounds to me like the threads on the star nut have worn, or stripped, try knocking it out and using a headlock. but remember knock out from the bottom side up as the steere is usually riveted or tapered at the bottom.
didnt mean it like that, just meant youd seen some stuff on here cheap and got it because its a good part regardless of colour etc. you have an eno on now? if not id go for a tensile freewheel , im going to be trying one out anyways.
dont really like it much at all. looks like its just been built up from cheap parts without thinking of looks. not really about looks though more about how it rides ! you getting a tensile freewheel?
Any one got any tips? I keep fudging up this part in my theory but im fine with the questions. just having problems with the timing of the clicking , i here you should click asap when you see a hazard then a second after in case you were too early. last time i did something like that i got 0 marks for "cheating" and a list of things i should be clicking, i kbnow the obv but i might be missing some hence not passing . .