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Everything posted by Caleb

  1. Why's Iolo returning your money?
  2. Are You sure there ti? sure they bend easy i always thought they were alloy though? crap none the less, get some with a collar on next time, not two bolts
  3. Nah people like him add a bit of character. just like bullshitters in real life fair enough they're annoying but its boring not been able to laugh at people for stuff like that If you read the post, you would of seen he doesnt have the availability to most trials parts a lot of us do. so he had a crack at making them himself and it paid off. looks good btw mate, maybe you could put some slots in the unused area of the material that doesnt come into contact with the pads for aesthetics benefits? performance over looks though
  4. Caleb

    Hope Brakes

    wayne used to use a hope 6ti brake, which worked for him i assume. id stick with the mono trial, the c2 was never really so powerful but the adjustability was flawless. the only other's i could reccomend would be the avid bb7 juicy and their new ones . .
  5. Looks like a zoo python to me "You ever sucked some dick for marihuana?!" haha
  6. Shit man thats bad . at least you know he's no longer in pain, it always comes as a shock even when its expected.
  7. What headunit are you using?
  8. robot chicken- work it out on the floor dmx - get it on the floor haha the mouse at the end, deeeeeaaaaaum
  9. Halfords 30 pc rachet set, i got the same one like 2 years ago and he mentioned he should get one. there right good sets, and have a lifetime guarantee too then we went to watch the fast and furious, cause he comes over every month or two, and theres not much to do in blackpool, especially on a miserable day like today
  10. I love that long time ! no one bought the zenith yet?
  11. Yeah people take things way to serious on here, i bet half of you are putting on an act, and most of you Will of done similar thigs, wheelies etc
  12. Yeah the lads right its all legit, that black financial advisor on tv said so. there not allowed to charge you more that £12, my mum reclaimed like a grand
  13. i disagree, if youve ever ridden a nicely specced one there immense! very good for bunnyhops and still pretty stable on the back wheel, there really fun id have one over a t-pro
  14. mines dave chapelle imitating lil jon. definitely worth the downloads if you havent watched him before. pure genius
  15. yeah its G you, and Tee Are A
  16. Close mate, a bb is a bottom bracket. basically when someone refers to a high bb it just means the bottom bracket shell is positioned quite high on the frame compared to more conventional frames. high bb' frames make the bike more stable on the rear wheel but i find its harder to gap on. if i was you and builidng a bike from scratch, id got for the echo lite frame which you could get from tartybikes. or an iolo frame if you know what geometry you want. a lot will have changed since you were last interested in the sport and i agree it is hard to catch up. just make sure you know what your buying and why before you do, its a big desicion and you dont want to mess it up. dont be afraid to ask questions either . can you arrange to go on any local rides and try a few lads bikes out to see the feel of them?if so do that , will give you a much better idea rather than looking at a picture on the interweb.
  17. Well . . . What can i say about that bike that hasnt already been said about Afghanistan
  18. Caleb

    The Chav Thread

    f**king hell lads, that pretty harsh. they might of grown up to be good people, i wouldnt wish death up on anyone. laughing at the dead is pretty low
  19. Your buying the moty because your bored of shortness lol contradiction? there nearly the same geo as the t lite
  20. im pretty sure the t lite will feel barely different to the x lite as there near enough the same frame. what do you find to be the problem with your frames? you seem to change an awful lot. the zona is a v nice frame imo fairly heavy but i reckon probably the strongest frame on the market but was ott too. you dont see anyone cracking echos and there a bit lighter.
  21. kings are more solid than any freewheel imo
  22. pity it has a formula lever
  23. I dont understand , what did he do wrong? only asked the price of a new echo frame?
  24. Caleb

    Bye Bye!

    you'll ahve to take some playboy's with you to pass the time or readers wives? whatevers your thing Unlucky though pal i recently had to go hospital and put it off for ages and they didnt even do anything after waiting 2 hours wasnt too bad though but i suppose you dont want to hear that . . anyway good luck
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