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Everything posted by Caleb

  1. i can see why your saying that, but i mean like on a revenge streak, you strive yourself to be as good as you can be so you can get what you want out of life. and then prove to your mum you did better without her. second thoughts i cant really comment as i havent been anywhere close to been in that position
  2. really does sound shit man, id try and get as many benefits as possible then get a good idea behind you and become rich, then visit your old mam in your merc . on the plus side i could see such a situation giving you a lot of motiavtion to do what evr you want or am i wrong?
  3. yeah pretty sure all the yorkshire lads are still riding, montys are still readily available second hand, they have recently done a new frame design the "pr" which poved very sucessfull and many are riding them at £140 brand new ! people will probably have a go at you for the spelling etc by the why so you might have tooccut down on the text talk but meh
  4. left loosey, righty tighty. you can also use a screwdriver and hammer. and try a bit of lube on the threads too
  5. please tell me boyd didnt sell you those bars?
  6. Caleb

    Revenge Tactics

    are most people just replying with complete piss take answers in here or what? whys it taken you a year to sort it? id personally wait till his on his own then confront him with a duster or a bottle in my pocket, if hes a willy smack him, if you cant handle the fighting pull summit on him and knock him out, then shave his eyebrows or something. if someone chopped my bollock off for any reason id be pretty tempted to set fire to their house any make their life hell though ! so really wouldnt reccomend that. jersey rider has some damn good ideas , sounds like a terrorist
  7. click the smiley, its a link to a bmx
  8. with your size and weight id probably reccomend a koxx, coust, echo etc, these frames are usualyy longer, giving more room for your knees and built to a high standard so shouldnt be snapping on you anytime soon theres a coust in fs like said above for £50, a koxx £60 and always echos going about. i dont think a planet x would suit you to be honest, start on a good bike then you wont need to change much.
  9. hey kyle just out of interest what did you think of the nankangs? the tread pattern is v similar to my new toyos except the line through the middle
  10. theres only about 10 decent channels, they just put loads of shite ones on to make up numbers
  11. yeah imo the zona rides better , is cheaper and is to a higher standard
  12. Caleb

    Saw 3 Trailer

    yeah that old guy died in the car, the angry cop gave him a right pasting ! ergh snapped his finger , the works
  13. 17 and still as immature as when i was 12
  14. toyo proxes are meant to be mint but wear slowly. dont think you can go far wrong with pirelli, mitchellin and yokos though
  15. beau you tried telling her to f**k off? you said her dad rang you about a phone bill? why not ring him and explain, make it sound liek her fault more than it was you split up or whatevere and say if he cant stop her ringing you'll be getting the police involved for harassment? or give her my number if shes a hottty?
  16. Has someone taken a slash on that dog?
  17. Caleb


    haha i got paid a fiver to eat one, certainly wierd but yeah on topic, losing movement of my legs etc would be horrible, getting a bird up the duff,
  18. haha looks shit scary
  19. yeah doesnt really make sense 40 lb aint very heavy so doubt it would have the strength to kill a doberman and a rottweiler, unless it was packing heat?. and only 2 deaths in 15 years? hmm seems odd
  20. once got nutted in town, didnt realise what had happened till my brother told me so i paid my respects to his face
  21. Caleb

    First Car

    i either wanted a mini or a pug 306, but opted out for the 306 due to been less work and atm thats what i want, id love a mini in the future though when i have a bit of land
  22. yeah i put it because anyone who watched that film will think of that part before any thing else, and i do think it was a vital part of the film. can even hear his teeth on the curb
  23. buy tricks and stunts really funny and does teach a lot, post your location in your profile and then you can meet up with people who will show you the basics and can go on rides with etc
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