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Everything posted by Caleb

  1. Get some security bolts then, best of both worlds
  2. so he got a good deal? doesnt mean you can sell a product differnt to the one you described. the proof is there and you dont really have a leg to stand on, and as a professional company leaving him a negative when he completed his side of the deal is just pathetic. on the other hand the frame wil get knocked about a bit anyway and in a weeks riding time you wont even notice them
  3. cheers lads, id ike to tomm i really would just i think with me starting out without the metering it might be too complicated for me to get some good snaps, not toofussed about the flash just the metering
  4. seen them on ebay but they all look like the chineese shite and the postage is extortionate. any good ideas, could do with battery, 1 gig card, battery charger and remote switch. for a 300d btw.
  5. Caleb

    Pierced Nipples

    just another question people who have had tem in, was the nipple pierced bigger than the one not?
  6. also randomers adding me, some california bird, some vampire goth thing, some bird from lancaster, and some fat lad and fat girl from blackpool. its just not good enough
  7. i think top gear has become more of a family show than a car show these days where as i found fith gear pretty funny and they tested a lot more cars. ill choose 5th gear to be different
  8. Yeah their annoying but lads taking pics with their shirts off is worse
  9. he was off his head when he crashed afterall he was on top gear
  10. Caleb

    Van Questions

    maybe ask buck about the astra td?
  11. Are the old nikon D1's worth a butchers?
  12. get a vespa or something similar with a bit of style . oh and dont buy anything new they lose their value terribly and you will scratch them for fun
  13. Caleb was arrested a few more times for aggressive behavior and disorderly conduct at home
  14. t-lite, old t-master ride a fudginery beast
  15. yeah was all over the front pages. still remeber walking in from school and just thinking What the fudge ! was pretty scary stuff
  16. just wondering are there anyways of getting a decent digital slr without spending £400? if im getting one i want a proper one not just a slr style. not bothered about new/second hand as i cant afford to be. is it worth me trying an slr before spending the full whack on a dslr, even though i can use a film slr for my course?
  17. he means he won the auction on ebay, it was a one off frame supercycles produced based heavily on the gu typhoon
  18. yeah mark was right im afraid pretty certain it has to be digital, ive been offered one with the flash not working and the metering not working for a price i can afford but would them factors be that important? i was thinking maybe get it for now and learn all the basics and get a better understanding then upgrade maybe ?
  19. yeah especially if its her mate and in front of her
  20. jesus that 1900 is a cracking film, cant explain way though. was pretty sad at the end but wasnt in tears
  21. basically just started college, and was wondering if anyone had done photography and whats expected? ive had my first lesson but was more of an intoductory, i was told on enrollment we'll be taught everyything we need to know etc. but is it worthwhile buying a dslr, and are there any tutorials for photoshop? just the first lesson kinda put the shit into me as i had the feeling a few others were wayyy ahead of me.
  22. yeah i had vegemite this morning, i think marmites a lil stronger though
  23. marmite is gorgeous, havent heard the team mad story? pete wright the one where he tried to sue the whole forum?
  24. haha no joke mark you should be a lawyer . i quite fancy the idea of going wlakabout and drinking fosters in a stupid hat, then could have some marmmite on toast when hunogver
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