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Everything posted by Caleb

  1. Basically i need a bb for my leeson, but don't have access to a lathe so cant turn the lip off of a standard un72 or the likes to get it to fit? what are my options? Don't want to rely on Clive as hes done me more than enough favors, are there any bottom brackets on the market with two removable cups? if anyone has one pm me
  2. got sent this earlier: So much for the cigarette ban, 2 Asians already caught smoking at Glasgow airport " not that funny now i read it out
  3. in fairness im the only non smoker out of our group so to speak andwas takking the piss as yuou do before the ban came in place, but having a pretty shitty weekend decided to go to the local last night to find it dead, everyone was huddled outside the back of the pub under scaffolding smoking away, leaving me on my own to cheat at snooker, fun at first but got pretty tiring. i used to moan about getting the smell of smoke soaked into my clothes but febreeze sorted that fine, plus your only going to smell like that next time you wear the clothes into town etc anyway . . i do disagree with it now, no one really works long enough in a pub these days for the second yhand smoke to harm them, plus the fact the majority of people smoke these days, and at a guess 80 % of pub workers i know smoke so really wouldnt bother them? surely. good rant nonetheless i wouldnt have the concentration to knock one of them up these days, still struggling to breathe from some dodgy drinks last night . . .
  4. yeah just nitromorse then wet and dry, then primer, coat , lacquer
  5. 24 hour strike from 3am friday to 3am saturday, so saturday post should be as expected the're barely wankers? were the firemen wankers for striking, or the teachers? they obviously think they are been treated unfairly? can you not see more than one side to an argument instead of been so ignorant?
  6. ppekvid youtvpc theres another good un too i just watched the doors, brilliant van kilmer looks just like morrison too, cant wait for control
  7. on my car i got a piece of card and a small screwdriver and slowly prised the first bit off then slide it left or right, could even be up or down on VW's i bought some spares for mine in case i fudged it and i didnt so i wasted moneys lol
  8. is there much racism in london? by the sounds of it the majority of trouble is caused by black youths who are troubled cause there dads deserted them at young ages? i dont see why everyone has such a fear of chav's too, everyone talks about them being c,unts etc and how they'd love to kick them in but given the chance most would brick it? "steaming?" could you not wrap a skateboard round one of their heads guarding the exits? what i find these days is there is a big lack of loyalty in friendship groups, and families etc, if instead of running off leaving a mate to get battered you should all have ago worse come to worse and you would probably win/scare them at least. i mean what do they have over you? they most certainly wouldnt go gym, they've probably never been in a proper fight, just hit and run, and they wear pyjama looking clothing. im never dealt with such situations eitherway due to spending my weekends in town, where they wouldnt get looked at twice.
  9. minto cheers you two yeah clear lens, orange bulb, there was a bit of up and dow play in one ball jopint but barely any in the other so was unsure, but that would be out of my hands anyway as i dont have acess to a pit, car ramps etc to change such a part i wouldnt imagine so would have tpgarage it anyway. Is there any benefit to taking it to a bus/tram depot or is it just more likely to fail as they do a more thorough check? cheers
  10. "Check the operation and alignment of the headlights. The headlight reflectors must not be tarnished and the lenses must be undamaged." just wondering does this affect the indicator glass as one of mine is cracked but they are seoerate units? dont want to take my car (306)in for its mot knowing it might fail when i could find out before hand as i can get an indicator lense off ebay for next to nothing.
  11. still havent had the bugger working, been on numerous driver webisted and tried numerous searches using different names, serial numbers etc cant find a bloody thing ! just to confirm the back of the reciever says "Microsoft Remote control and reciever 1.0afor media center pc with windows."
  12. if men get a hard on it aint classed as rape . . . ive had a hard on with a dog sat on my lap ffs
  13. do most people find they can retain muscle quite esily with minnimal excercise? at most i do a short drunken jog back from town once or twice a week lol, and pressups now and then, would like to build muscle around my lower abs and pectoral areas, what would you lot reccomend ? prefferably lifting my own body weight etc?
  14. Caleb


    at least it gives people faith
  15. of course listening to bad manners as well got a whole mixed ska album so giving it a try
  16. thats what i was hooping i have tried some after market so to speak drivers but they were as useless as the remote is turning out to be
  17. any help, muchos appreciated
  18. Caleb


    yeah did he ever, then got a pasting caus eclaire informed warren about it . . .
  19. Caleb

    First Car Wtf

    dont think there are many if any jap friendly cars for insurance around the 18 year mark? i was quoted 2 and a half thousand on a crx 91 1.6 vtec, cant wait for my years no claims
  20. Caleb


    could of been calvin ex missus too but uun likely, definitely reckon warren did the mischief on justin, wa sit just me or was anyone esle actually laughing at the end lol. turned out alright for warren either way, justin and claire dead hehe and a shag off the foul mouthed fitteh
  21. really cant work this out at all http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?Vie...761978&rd=1 that was the set i bought, id really like to get it working as soon as really. really puzzled me when it didnt work on the other computer either, was it just a plug and play job with everyone else?
  22. ah ballas apperently cant download wmp11 as my copy of windows is not genuine, anyway round this too
  23. Caleb

    First Car Wtf

    judging by his name hes a lad though
  24. cheers mate, will that be windows media player 11 then? thats one came up when i googled windows media centre download anyways
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