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Everything posted by Caleb

  1. Cheers once again Tomm tried the bottom one,. but couldn't find an option to import all audio files etc so ended up listening to David Byrne thats already on xp haha, still couldn't suss the remote out, guess ill just have to buy vista just cant justify spending £100 on a disc :|
  2. Caleb

    Wheel Dishing

    Cheers for the help managed to sort it, will probably take me spoke key out with me next time riding mind
  3. yeah but your using the bike for trials not downhill . . . . besides, death grip for the win
  4. Caleb

    Wheel Dishing

    so i was right at the start? don't want to sound arrogant just checking as loosening one side and tightening the other should accommodate between tensions? ill give it a try anyways
  5. you can do with magura discs as they take mineral oil though
  6. just 2 questions is there anyway to get a shuffle button in the minimised Windows media player tool icon? and is windows media centre worth the money? any cheap alternatives? just i dont want this remote ive bought to go to waste and is perfect foor hangovers led in bed etc, and when working on bikes etc and a shite song comes on . . .
  7. my wheels offset to the left, do i loosen left spokes half turn tighten right half turn to return central? so left undo half , right tighten half etc etc. sounds like common sense but dont want it off to the left further
  8. Caleb

    Live Earth

    there a piss take of spinal tap, pretty funny too
  9. Cheers for the advice everyone, never knew you had a business mike site looks good but ideally after second hand due to not having a steady income of income atm. just another issue looking on flea bay it seems theres a hell of a lot of broken plasmas , is this due to clumsiness? poor quality of products or just that theres more plasmas about therefore more breakages etc? even saw a 50" samsung the other week, nearly bought it, got relisted and this time round its £200 cheaper as its broke? hmmmm
  10. just anther completely off topic response here but meh: someone recommended watching V for vendetta? i watched the film enjoyed it etc, but i thought that girl with the huge glasses was shot dead, and thought that Stephen fry feller was executed? yet in the end scene they are both seen in the crowds, haha pointless but was bugging me
  11. Lol was actually kidding, but i had nothing else to do at this time, get complaining lads !
  12. Basically wanted a nice little tv for a while now and wanted to have a pretty simple room so was looking to maximise space and just for the cool beans factor get a thin flat screen TV. http://www.somucheasier.co.uk/ed-plasma-lc...difference.html I found this link and could basically do with the facts/statements backing up. seems like you don't get much extra to LCD for your money, and i wouldn't be using it as a monitor so no worry about burn in etc. Was looking at Samsung plasma 50" the other day second hand for £650 which i was extremely tempted by if i had another £200 but i dont . . Any recommendations /info would be reeet' handy cheers m'dears
  13. blooody label writer !(could actually use one) but thats not the point,pretty cheeky apple ! surely they cant just cancel switch swap orders as they please ! anyone got the number for watchdog ?!
  14. lol good reason i gave up
  15. yeah probably , love the "you're a buntyman, you're a shrub rocketeer . . . . . " Baltimora !
  16. that last line reminded me of Chris morris for some reason
  17. 1/2 a pint, pftttttttttttt southerners
  18. lol ordered one worse comes to worse should get a full refund so nothing really to lose, was going to be opti mistic order a few and whack em up on flea bay hehe.
  19. the thing is equal opportunities are far from equal as said earlier, equal to everyone but the white man, just last night i was in a club, more than half full of latvians/polish lithuanians etc and as a majority they had terrible manners and are pretty ignorant, not leaving doors open, shouting for drinks etc, smoking regardless of the ban. i've been in many situations where people think its acceptable to laugh at the white man, or get away with calling themselves "niggers" etc and its not on. theres so many arguments for and against its barely worth even trying to discuss but they should be employing these pc tactics to the immigrants that consider it acceptable to bomb and cause havoc to the country that pays there welfare !
  20. cheers for the help lads, id ask clive but ive always bought leesons second hand just to build up for fun and messing around on, so i dont think its that fair to ask him for one, ive emailed but ive heard about his reply timescales lol, i might have to give him a ring and see if i could buy one or something,
  21. yeah, i got the frame second hand and didnt have a bb in so have nothing compare to, didn't really fancy on going to a n engineering gaff round my end as there all con merchants. there is a cup already in the bb so was thinking if i just got a bb with detachable cups i could bosh one in , i don't really remember the spacers/circlips doing that much but i guess they were to keep the cup in place
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